Chapter 9: After Everything

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*Sophia's POV:

After a few more hours of walking, Stephen and I finally decided to head home. While still holding my hand, he walked me on the way to my house and made sure that I will get home safely. He can't help but to get worried especially after what happened between my family. He kept on assuring me that everything will be okay but I still can't imagine myself seeing my parents go on separate ways. They married each other, which means that they are willing to do anything just to make their relationship work. But what happened now? What happened to the promises that were once said in front of the altar? What happened to all the sacrifices they did and all the hardships they surpassed together? What's even worse about the situation is because they didn't even consult me if it was alright for their daughter to accept the situation or even accept the fact that everything will fall apart soon. Even though I'm still hesitating to go home, I stepped into our doorstep and bid my goodbye to Stephen. I slowly went inside my house only to see how messy our house was. Some vases were broken. The books in our shelves fell on the ground. I can also see how some of our things were broken and disarranged. I even felt deaf only to hear silence within the surroundings. I immediately went upstairs to check on my mom and...

"Mom?" I said as I started going to her direction and immediately felt my eyes watering and tears started to come out of it. I saw her at the corner of my room all messed up and she looked like as if the world fell on her. She looks devastated. I came to her and hugged her tightly and felt how hurt my mother is right now.

"Why, Sophia? Wasn't I enough? Why did your father leave me? I don't understand..." She kept on saying those words over and over again. I don't even know what to say because I, myself, don't even know the reason why my dad left us.

"Mom, I'm here, okay? We could live without him... I promise, everything will be a-alright." I can't help but stutter upon my response. My tears are flowing continuously and I can't even stop them. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how will I keep up with all of this. How will I start? How will I make everything look better again? Importantly, how will I still survive?

I gazed at the frame beside her only to see it was broken. It was a picture of my family looking so happy while playing in the park. I can't help but ask myself... 'What did we do wrong?'. I traced back at all the memories we spent together starting from the day I was born. I could still remember my dad recalling all my favorites when I was still a baby. He even told me that I will always be his baby. That me and my mom will always be the people that he will love the most. He promised to take care of us but where is he now? Where is the guy that used to carry me on his shoulders while playing in the park? Where is the guy that used to comfort me whenever I experience such horrible events? Where is he?... Where is my dad?

'He's all gone.'

After a few more minutes, my mom suddenly let go of her embrace and looked at me sternly. "Promise me you won't marry a guy like your dad, Sophia." She told me in a serious tone.

"I won't mom. I won't." I told her.

I saw my mom starting to weep the tears off of her face and suddenly standing up to grab the things that had fallen when they fought. I could still see the pain in her eyes but I know that she's trying to fix everything because she knows that crying herself to death won't do her any good. I helped her with what she's doing and started to pick up some books and placed it back in the shelves.

We continued to clean up the mess when I heard my phone rang. I looked upon who the caller was and saw it was Stephen.

"Hey." He immediately said the moment I answered his call.

"Hi." I plainly said.

"I know that this time is not really a good timing but I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I would not leave you no matter what." I can't help but smile because of what he said.

"I love you, too." I told him while smiling.

"I have a surprise. Open the gate."

"Huh? Why?"

"Just open it now."

I walked outside only to see my boyfriend leaning on his car while holding 2 boxes of pizza and a smile that is so adorable. I walked towards his direction while smiling as if I saw an angel in front of me.

"I told you I wouldn't leave you so here I am."

"Honestly, I can't even imagine how grateful I am to have you in my life. You're really one of a kind, Stephen." I told him in a matter of fact. He can't help but smile and immediately pulled me and planted a kiss on my forehead. He placed my head onto his chest and I couldn't help but feel secured.

After a few more seconds, we finally let go and I told him to have dinner with us instead. We walked our way inside and I was still kept wondering how this guy in front of me is mine. Only mine.

---------- End of Chapter 9 ---------

Hi everyoneeee. I just wanna tell each one of you that I'm so sorry for almost leaving this story behind. I was so busy with school that I never had the chance to even update my stories. But since the school year is almost over, I would be able to update my stories more. I would not leave these stories anymore. :)

Please do comment what your reactions were while reading my stories. Please comment and don't be a silent reader. Hahaha. Thank you for supporting all of them and I love you all so much! <3


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