Chapter 1: Same Old Story

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*Sophia's POV:

"Good Morning, Sophia. Wake up already or else you will be late for school." I finally heard the words that vanished in my life for two whole months. Who would've thought that time flies by too fast? After vacation comes another school year. Upon hearing those words, I immediately went to the bathroom so that I can fix myself up and get ready for school.

It's actually my first day as a college student. Another chapter of my life is yet to be discovered. A lot of challenges will soon appear in my life again. I'm sure that this time, everything won't go easy compared to my experiences before. I was too busy daydreaming until after a few more seconds when I soon realized whom the voice came from. I never thought she'll go all the way here but I can't help but ask myself, is it possible?

"Mom?" I shouted confusingly. My mom, Christine Harrison, is a very workaholic person. But even though she has tons of works to do for our company, she always finds time to be with me, to take care of me, and to be part of every chapter or journey that comes onto my life. I was waiting for some response but I didn't hear anything. So after fixing up myself, I immediately went downstairs to know if she's really there. Maybe I'm just thinking that it's her because I terribly missed her and I really wanted to see her. It's been a while since I last saw her. So before going downstairs, I composed myself to prepare for what could happen. I don't wanna hurt myself by making me believe on things without assurance.

As I am going downstairs, I finally realized who the person was.

It's her!

My mom is here! As I saw her standing by the kitchen table while talking to Senia, I immediately ran into her direction and hugged her tightly. I'm afraid she can't breathe.

'If this was a dream, don't bother on waking me up anymore!' I thought to myself.

"Oh, dear! Your mom can't breathe properly now. You really missed me a lot, don't you?" Mom said with lack of oxygen. I chuckled by the way she said that because it was obvious how she was gasping for air. How can you blame me? It's just too surreal to see someone who you never thought will come by at this time.

"Sorry mom, I just really miss you." I said as I am gently letting go of my embrace. I shot a glance at her and saw the sparks in her eyes. Her eyes states it all. I saw how she smiled genuinely at me.

"I miss you too, dear. Hey, eat your breakfast. I prepared it all for you." She stated while handing me a delicious plate of freshly cooked bacon and egg. With the sight of these, the level of my hungriness is definitely on its highest point.

"Thanks mom. I really missed your cooking."

"But honey, move fast okay? You don't wanna be late for school, right?" She asked.

Oh yeah, I remembered. I should move faster because if I don't, I'll be late for my first class. I never wanted that. But can you blame me? I'm in front of my mother who had been gone for almost 8 months because of her duties and works that she needs to accomplish. I understand her situation. Even though she wants to spend more time with me, she obviously can't because of her works that need to be done. But she always makes sure that in every special occasion that occurs, she will always be there to at least make it up for her long absence.

"Yes mom."

I ate as fast as I could without leaving any left-overs on my plate. What's funny about it is because it haven't even took me two minutes to finish eating because I already ate all of it. I definitely missed this. But before anything else, I finally decided to go or else I'll be late for my first class. First day of class and you'll already have a bad impression, no. Definitely not. But before I go to school, I first went to the kitchen where my nanny and my mom are. My nanny's name is Senia. She's really the one of the best people in the world because whenever my mom is not around, she stands as my mother. She never left me and had always been there to support me. I consider Senia as my second mother here on earth. She is the one that drives me to school and afterwards, also drives me back home. So before going to school, I hurried to the place where they were.

"Mom, I have to go now. I don't wanna be late for school." I said in a hurried tone.

As I was about to go out, my mother called me and approached my direction.

"Sophia, let me be the one to ride you to school." My mom said as she grabs my hand. I was looking into her eyes and saw how she really wanted to do this. How she really wanted to do this for me.

"You sure, mom? Don't you have works to do? I know that you are really busy by now. For me being with you even in just a short period of time is already enough for me to be so happy and I know that you and dad have lots of works to accomplish." I replied genuinely. I'm pretty sure that after this, they will be busy once again because of their works.

"I'm sure. It's your first day of school as being a college student. This is another chapter in your life and I want to be with you for the start of it. So, will you agree? And I'm so sure that my works can wait." She commented. She smiled and there I saw that she really wanted to be with me. To cherish every second that she can just to show me how she really loves and misses me.

"Mom, even if you don't do this, you're still a part of every chapter that comes into my life. But if you want to ride me to school, then okay. Thanks for everything, mom. I really appreciate it." I said then smiled at her. It's really nice how she does everything just to make up for her long absence. And I really appreciate every bit of it.

As we were on the way to school, I sent a message to my friends. Their names are 'Cindy Smith' and 'Stephen Edward Johnson'. These two people are the persons that I solemnly love and trust.

I decided to text Cindy first since I know that Stephen isn't really fund of using his phone.

'Cindy, I'm on my way to school. Wait for me there. And btw, are you with Stephen?'

After a few minutes, she finally replied.

'Yes, I'm with Stephen. We will be waiting for you at the cafeteria.'

Unfortunately, it took us more than 20 minutes to go to school because of the traffic on the way there. I missed the chance of talking to Cindy and Stephen due to the time the traffic consumed. When I was about to leave the car, I first bid my goodbye to my mom. She looked at me and smiled afterwards. I know that after this, I will not be able to see her again for a long time. And I'm ready for that. As long as I know that she will always be there for me, it's already enough for me. I smiled to her and felt that tears that are starting to form into my eyes. I tried my best to refrain myself from crying but I felt that a tear escaped from my eyes. I immediately wiped it away and composed myself. After a while, she finally decided to left. Sadness is evident in her face. I know she's hurt because of leaving me and I am too. But I know that when the proper time comes, I'll finally have the chance to see her and be with her. I looked at my watch and there I saw that I am almost late. So I immediately texted Cindy that I'm sorry for not meeting them at the cafeteria a while ago. She replied and said that we could just meet at the class. Cindy, Stephen and I have the same classes for this day. But suddenly as I was about to reach my room, I bumped into a guy. All of my books fell so we both picked up each one of it. I was kinda pissed off because of what he did. I'm not directly angry at him. It's just that I'm almost late for class and because of this incident, I'm pretty sure I'm already late. Oh no.

I saw him helping me with my things that fell. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to see his face. When I was about to get the last book, I was shocked because my heart literally skipped a beat when he said those words.

"I'm sorry." It's kinda weird since he just simply apologized because of what he'd caused, but it's really unusual for my heart to feel that way towards a person I never even met totally in the first place. There's something in him that I wanted to know. Do I even know him? Is he even my classmate or something related to me?

But when I already had the chance to finally see him, to finally look at his face, he was already gone.

~~~~~~~~~~ END OF CHAPTER 1 ~~~~~~~~~~

I'll upload the Next Chapter a few days after. Please Wait :)))

Hey guys, I changed this chapter a little since I am feeling that there was lacking. I fixed its grammar and changed a bit of it somehow. I'll do this more often. I'll try to proofread the other chapters as well. Please do understand. I hope you'll appreciate this chapter now. I really did my best to somehow make it special.

Thankies :) Love you all.


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