Chapter 3

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A week later
Juvia was walking in the park with Lyon. "Juvia, are you alright." Juvia smiled only to make him feel happy. I looked at the kids smiling and playing. *sighs*

"You know Juvia if want to have a kid we could." I shook my head.

"You know I can't." I was starting to cry. It was not that long ago Juvia tried to get pregnant but when Juvia went to the doctors Juvia realized Juvia had a miscarriage.

"You can you're just afraid." I nodded and wiped my tears to look up and see rain. Great.

(Grays POV)
I look out my window to see rain. This rain felt different to me. It wasn't just normal rain. It was juvia's.... I screwed up so badly. I wish I can just take her and tell her how much I love her but she's moved on.

(Juvia's POV)

Lyon and Juvia got home and Juvia laid on the bed. Juvia felt something heavy and saw Lyon in top. "You know I love you." He kissed juvia's neck. "L-Lyon stop." He stopped and Juvia got up. "What's wrong."

"Juvia's just not in the mood." Juvia stood up and Lyon got up.

"Ever since gray came back you haven't talked to me and you haven't been at the guild.

"Yes, Juvia has gone to the guild."

"Really then how come I'm getting calls from Mira asking why you aren't there? Juvia, you aren't having an affair with gray behind my back are you?" Juvia looked at him in shock.

"You think...HOW THE HELL WILL YOU ASK THAT QUESTION." It started to rain.

"Then where were you."

" Juvia went to gajeel and Levys house. She would go to the guild but She wouldn't go inside. Juvia would wait for levy outside and we together to see gajeel." I walked out the door. "Don't think I'm come ing back tonight!!" I slammed the door. Now when I'm mad I speak in first person. And I'm not just mad I'm pissed. I walked to the guild and sat down.

(Lyons POV)
Juvia and I never fought like this. I shouldn't have asked that. Maybe she was just over reacting. I kept pacing back and forth. I walked out and went to the fairytail guild. I see gray at the door.

"What are you doing here." Gray said blocking my way.

"I'm here to find Juvia."

"Sorry she's not in here."

"Come on gray I need to see if she's there."

"She was a second ago but she left I asked her what was wrong but..."


"Nothing bye" gray ran ugh that idiot.

(Juvia's POV)

Gray and I worked amazing as a team I never forgot that. So since today I needed to get out of the house I ask him to meet me at the park. The best I can do is rekindle our friendship.

"Hey Juvia.."

"Hello gray" I gave him a small hug and sat down. Just one problem, when our skin touched it felt like I wanted to be in his arms forever. I can' I can't still love him. There's only one person I have to go to after the.

Three hours later....
"Master,Juvia needs to ask you something." Master knew everything about everyone.

"Yes, what is it you need Juvia. "

"It's about gray. For some reason I feel this spark when we touch."

"Wouldn't you already think it was love. "

"But..but Juvia is married to Lyon."

"It's cause you're his mate. " i turned around to see levy. "Mate?"

"Every slayer has one. Dragon,God, devil. You name it."

Juvia smirked. "Juvia's guessing your gajeels."

Levys face turn red. "M-maybe. "

"Anyway..Juvia is married to Lyon. Should she be Lyons mate."

"He's not a slayer Juvia. "

"Riight. Oops but, when this happens what does this mean." Leave grabbed Juvia's shoulder.

"That you are married to the wrong man."

No this isn't a mating season book but I just want to add it in there to make more understanding and maybe with this I can add a lemon. Idk should iii? Lol amyway happy Valentine's Day. I hope you had fun. I was single this Valentine's Day yayy👏👏 but it's better that way. In my opinion. Lol love you guys

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