Chapter 4

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I couldn't believe this. "Juvia is not married to the wrong man she is perfectly happy."

"Juvia I understand but--"

"But nothing!!" Juvia started to cry as she interrupted Levy. "Sorry Juvia just she can't." I walked out and stopped when I saw someone I didn't want to see right now. "Gray!" He kept looking at me. "Gray!" Then I saw tears in his eyes. "Juvia is it really to late." I was shocked. "Gray you know Juvia's married now and she loves Lyon." Gray grabbed me and hugged me tight. "Gray..." I heard crying. "Please stay in my arms for awhile." I started feeling all warm and happy. I hugged him back and I felt like I didn't want to let go as if his arms are where I belong. "Juvia, I love and still will even if I have to let you go."

"Gray, Juvia's still hurt. She know that she said that she would wait Juvia knows but, Juvia and gray-sama lived together and you left ,you hugged Juvia, said thank you. Your father gave us his blessing and you.still.left..." I cried as I felt a kiss on my forehead. "I'm sorry for hurting you. " As gray left I heard Lyon coming this way. "Hey, I'm so so sorry for saying that can you forgive me." I sighed and I nod. " yes she can." Lyon kissed me and I kiss him back.

Later that night~~~~~~~~

Lyon just got out of the shower with only a towel around his waist. "I love you." I giggled and turned around. "I love you too." What was I suppose to do tell him I don't belong with him I don't want to hurt him. Besides we haven't done anything really in awhile maybe all I need right now is a little fun....

I wrapped my arms around Lyons neck and gave him a kiss. I felt myself being lifted and I wrapped my leg around Lyons waist. When I did that his towel fell off. "...oops..."

"Don't you dare act all innocent." He placed me on the bed and started to attack my neck. As he found my soft spot I let out a moan and..."Juvia are you in here I need to talk to you."

Lucy....why now!! I tried to fix my self as good as I can and I look at Lyon. "Stay here and don't come downstairs understand."

"Fine..." I left and open the
Door downstairs. Lucy and I are now best friends ever since gray left so whenever she has a problem she always comes to me or levy for advice or to just hangout. "Hey Lucy, umm is it really important because Juvia's kind of busy." She sighed.

"It's Natsu." I groaned. Of course this idiot. "Again, Lucy you have to do something I mean can't you just say you love him."

"It's not that easy." I rolled my eyes. "Juvia heard natsu say he likes you I don't think he will reject you." She sighed and gave me a hug.

"Fine." As she left I closed the door slowly then locked it. I then went back upstairs and climbed in bed. I crawled on top of Lyon and start kissing him. "What took you so long."

"Sorry, but Lucy is Juvia's best friend she couldn't just leave her." Lyon smirked. He grabbed me and started kissing me again. "Next time we don't answer the door."

"Deal!" We both smiled and kiss again. Then I felt something. After that kiss. It didn't feel like love. Then I felt grays kiss burning on my forehead. That's what love was I felt it. It wasn't just that I needed to be loved the truth is. I need grays love.
Hello guys how are you. I'm sorry for being for inactive. I've been inactive a lot because of school work and stress so I'm sorry if I don't update fast enough. I hope you enjoyed let me know what you think.

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