Chapter 26

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I've been very awful lately. Like I haven't been happy for a while and just updating makes me forget about everything so I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. (I know u will skip this so idk why I'm trying)

we are in bed laying down as gray was running my stomach. Gray turned on the tv and kissed my cheek all the way down to my neck. "Gray stop." I giggled pushing him off.

"Why are you so cute." Gray said playing with my hair. I have the best husband in the world.

"Let's go to sleep."

"Noo Juvia pleaseeee stay awake. I'm going to be bored."

"No I wanna sleep."

"Then no breakfast from me."

I scoffed. "Kiss my ass." Gray chuckled and I felt the bed tip a little. I felt something hover my bottom area and felt something on my butt. I hear gray go muah. "There a beautiful kiss on a nice, round, gorgeous,--


"Huh. Oh yea?"

"Stop drooling over my ass and go to bed."

Gray laughed and laid in bed with me. As we laid on each other's arms my eyelids felt heavy and I shut them.


I tried to pick up my phone from the night stand. "Hello..."

"Hey umm Juvia."


"What is it."

"Well I heard some things and I want to meet up."

"You know what I will." I got up and got ready. I went to gray. "Hey come with me."

"Why.. Wait where are you going."

"Come on!" I walked away with gray and made it to the park and I saw him.

"Can I help you."

"Just needed to..woah. You're..pregnant!"

"Yea with his baby." I said pointing to gray and gray put his arm around me.

"ahh gray nice to see you."


"Where's your girlfriend."

"We broke up things weren't so great. "

"Ok not my problem do me a favor and never talk to me again. You always in my business!! We are done Lyon." I cried and walked away.

Grays POV
"Leave me alone, stay away from my wife, and never come back."

"O-ok man!" He walked away.

I heard her..
She was crying. I ran to the room and hugged her.

"I'm sorry gray."

"It's not you're fault Juvia."

"I love you gray."

"I love you more. Now don't worry about him he's gone forever trust me." I got up.

"Now get some rest you woke up early for nothing." She nodded her head and I kissed her forehead.

I will get revenge he hurt my girl!

Hey guys How are you. I hope you have a good night or day depending where you guys are. Plus if u guys have a vine and love watching gruvia AMVS then follow my vine @~gruvia bby~

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