Chapter 29 (Final chapter)

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There was a knock on the door and a few people walked in. Lucy, Levy , Gejeel, Natsu , Erza, and shockingly her son.

Gray and I were on the hospital bed holding our bundle of joy.

"He so cute, Juvia." Lucy says.

"Aww..hey little guy when you grow up you will stay 124,456 feet away from my child or else i will have to fight your father." Natsu said and I laughed as gray. Well slapped him upside the head almost starting a fight.

"Dude, would you stop. Now let me see my nephew." Gajeel says trying to take the baby

"Umm last time I check you didn't think of him like your nephew."

"Are you kidding me. Juvia you're like my little sister. You know that." He says and I laugh. Gajeel never admit that I am like family to him. He never showed emotion at all. That's when I took Levys hand. "Thank you. For changing him into a happier better person." We both laughed as someone interrupted. "Mom, is he a new member of the guild."

"Of course he is." I said to Erza's son as I kissed silvers forehead.

A few hours later grays POV

We got home and put the sleeping baby In the crib. We stared at him for awhile. "He looks like you gray."


"Of course. Handsome wonderful. That little smile. Gray we will have a small you walking around. "  she giggled and I wrapped my arms around her. "Juvia, we did it..."

"I've been telling since we met and you didn't listen." She giggled and I kissed her.

"I love you no matter what. I'm just glad I didn't lose you."

"You never will gray!"

"Soo, is it too late."

"We have a kid and I'm over here making out with you. So um yea you tell me gray-Sama."

"You haven't said that in awhile. Oh how it brings back memories." I kissed her and kissed silver goodnight. "I love you both."

So after all this I'm so happy. I almost lost the love of my life. No, it wasn't late. Not at all. She's mine now and I will never lose her. Even if it cost me my life.

This isn't the end of our journey. In fact with this little guy. It's just the beginning..................

Annnndddd the book is



So get read the name will be called

The start of our journey

Stay on look out for that and I will keep you updated. Love you all bye

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