Chapter 18

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The limo stops and I look at gray. "We are here!" As the doors open we got out and held hands. "I love you." I smiled and gave him a kiss. "I love you too." We got inside and heard music. As we walked in everyone seated clapping and cheering. I gave him another kiss and everyone cheered even more as we walked to our table. "Congratulations Mrs. Fullbuster!" Lucy said as we both started to laugh.

"Lucy I've always thought about this day but never realized it could actually happen."

"Guess what, it did and I'm happy for you. So, is the married couple coming with us to dance." Gray and I looked at each other and got on the dance floor. Everyone was having a good time. Dancing, talking, everyone was just happy.We heard the music stop and saw Mira. "Hello everyone. I'm glad that everyone could be here today celebrate one of the familes  wedding.  Congratulations gray and Juvia." Everyone started cheering for us as we saw glasses being passed with champagne. Everyone got up to say stuff as everyone made toast. Sadly I couldn't participate but I don't care my babies health is way more important than a toast. I smiled and looked at gray. "I love you."

"I love you, too."


We waved goodbye to everyone  as we were getting ready to leave for our honey moon. The bridesmaids were all lined up hugging me and everyone cheered as gray wrapped his arms around me. We then got in the limo and drove away. "This is a day to remember." I smiled and laid my head on grays shoulder. "There's still more fun on the way." Gray puts his arm around me and pulled me closer. "We still have our honeymoon."

"We are going to have so much fun."

"Juvia, what kind of bathing suit are you going to wear."

"What do you mean?"

"Bikini or one piece bathing suit."


Gray coughed and I turned red.

"Just be careful when we get there that no one looks at you."

I nod my head lay down again. This will be fun.


After the honeymoon I'm going to skip to a couple months because I'm not patient and I've already made my decision for gender but not the name so yea.

I hope you enjoyed and I hope I get to update more often and if not after vacation. I'm sick today honestly the spring weather hates me. I hate allergies.

Does anyone else get them this bad.

Anyway love you enjoy and bye

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