Chapter 7

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Hey guys sorry for being inactive I will talk more at the end but for now on I'm just going to put Juvia talking in first person I find it easier anyway let's go

We faced each other and it was silent for awhile until Gray started talking. "Let's go home." I smiled and nod my head. "Ok."

GRAYS HOUSE-------------––

I sat in the bed and Gray started to kiss me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid back a little. "Juvia, I love you so much."

"Gray,I love you too." He let go of me. "I'm going to take a shower. Want to join." I giggled. "No I'm too tired to join maybe next time. I'm gonna get my phone anyway where is it."

"I left it in the bottom cabinet." Gray says taking his shirt off. I smirk and go to grab my phone. I bent down in front of him as I feel his stare.

"Juvia ,don't tease me!" I turned around and act innocent. "What do you mean. You know gray you should go in the shower now." Gray slammed the bathroom.  As he went in to the bathroom I go and grab a short tank top that's pink and take off my dress leaving my panties. I sat back on the bed and look through my Instagram. I saw my feed and forgot I was still following Lyon.  It was him with the same women I saw in the photo when she called. I check the tag name and went to her profile. Her names Meredy. "Ugh--"

"You just love teasing me don't you.."

"huh what do you--" As I tried to finish my sentence I was tackled by gray. He laid a kiss on my lips and I laughed. "Oops."

"Hehe oops." Gray said as he mocked me and kissed my neck. I let out a small moan and felt his smirk. "Ok ok I'm sorry."

"Nope, not gonna forgive you until I'm done." I smiled and grabbed him and kissed him until the door open. "YO STRIPPER YOU HERE!" Natsu........

"What do you want I'm kinda busy up here." I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "What are you doing." I freaked out as I randomly grabbed grays sweats which magically came off  as he put on his old jeans he had on. "Uhhh um Working on something for tomorrow I uh want to show you but I can't." Natsu opens the door and I ran to the bed to cover up even more. "Uh gray what's going on. "

"Nothing get out."

"Ok ok ok sorry didn't know you were having fun."


"Whatever bye." As gray closed the door he looked at me. "Now where were we."

Lol sorry guys I might  do a lemon for this story and if I do don't get mad if u don't like it just skip that part come on this is wattpad we should know the rules of lemons don't like it don't read it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter in sorry for being inactive I was grounded for awhile. One small question. Who has a vine? If u like Gruvia edits follow my vine and tell what you think and if you ever want to do a collab message me to let me know. Love u guys and I hope you enjoyed

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