Chapter 10

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I wrapped my arms around grays neck. "Gray-sama, it's ok. It wasn't your fault it was mine. I did it to protect you so as long as your okay so am I." Gray picked me up and gave me a long but sweet kiss. "Listen gray, you know I love you right?" 

"Was. That a stupid question you should know the answer." I giggled and gave him a quick kiss before I looked at myself in the mirror. "That's a big bruise. Ow." I moved out to the living and started making a group chat with the girls on Instagram.

Juvialockserqueen: hey guys big problem look at my face *post picture of the bruise

Lucyheartfillia: omg who did this to you!!

Juvialockserqueen: the piece of shot I use to call my husband fought gray and punched me when I grabbed gray.

Levy_booklover: oh gosh I hope you are ok. So...... How's gray I saw that kiss last night.

Juvialockserqueen: oh honey we did more than kiss last night lol ;)

Levy_booklover: no way! What are you doing right now

Lucyheartfillia: omg where are you!

Juvialockserqueen: on his couch watching tv. He's making me breakfast isn't he the cutest.

Lucyheartfillia: yea so cute while my man is doing nothing but making the room smell like sweat and disgusting fish to feed happy.

Mirajanelove: OMG so cute well I'm out gonna go to the guild early. Bye!

I put my phone down after the conversation and I saw gray take my phone. "Hey I've been calling the whole time."

"Im sorry. Forgive me..." I pout my lips and reach my arms out for him to hug me. "Really, you're acting like a baby."

"Cause I'm obviously your baby." I laughed as I got up and have him a long kiss. "Gray.."


"I have never felt this happy since you left. With Lyon 'I love you' was always just a word. Always lied and left. Didn't really care compare to how kind he use to be. Now, I know I love you means something. All thanks to you."

Grays POV

Was she serious? Did she feel this way!? "Juvia, you have just made me the happiest man in the world." I gave her a long passionate kiss. "Trust me I will treat you right starting off with today. Today we will stay here and enjoy doing whatever while I take care of you." She smiled. She's honestly so beautiful. "What do you mean starting off. Gray you always treat me right." We kissed again and we stopped. "I'm still hungry.... Food always is first priority." I laughed at her. "I made breakfast so let's eat."

Juvia's POV

There's pancakes and bacon gray can cook. "Wow!" I felt gray kiss my shoulder. "Let's eat."

An hour later....

"This taste so good. You're a pretty god cook. "

"Thank you." As we out the plates in the sink we both got on the couch. There was a knock on the door so I went to get it. "Gray how come you didn't tell me you would be in this weeks magazine."

"So are you."

"Well I knew that but I didn't know you would be on it too." I looked at the picture on the cover and gray looks sexy. "Thank you." Oh shoot I said that out loud. I went up to him and snuggled a little. "Gray you really are sexy either way. In a magazine and out. Well, even better in person." We kissed for awhile.

"Well let's start this fun day shall we." Gray said grabbing the remote.

Omg yes I update again because I might not for the weekend depends how busy. I'm sorry I feel like this chapter was really bad. Sorry if I disappoint you guys. Next chapter is all about these cuties and there small lazy day in. Love ya and goodbye

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