chapter 22

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Juvias POV

I finally get up and shower. Grays exctied to be a father. This is the best thing thats ever happened to me.

"Juvia we should call room service!"

"Okay!" I smiled to myself as I stop the water. I dry my hair and wear shorts with a blue shirt.

"Hey." I kissed him. He smiled and laid in the living room.

"We should go to the beach again."

"Yay! We could swim and have fun and play in the sand and--"

Gray kissed me.

"That was my nice way of say shut up."

"Gray so mean."

He chuckled and held my hand. "I love you."

"No!" I pout and get a kiss on the nose

We heard a knock on the door and we openes it bringing in the breakfast. We sat on the bed. I staddling him and him feeding me a strawberry. I know corny but hey its my honeymoon.

"Gray we should get ready for the beach."

"Good idea." I got up and got changed. As i got.out of yhe bathroom gray was ready.

"Nope juvia take that off."

"Why! Gray its a bathing suit if people see me stop them shpw them i'm yours. Plus who cares im with you and i wouldn't trade our lovd.for anyone."

"Fine come on." We left to the beach and we picked a place to lay down. I kissed his cheeks and sat between his legs. I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"This nice..." As gray said that he got hit by a small beach ball

"Im sorry mister...." a little girl says pouting.

"Ow, its ok, be careful next time ok."

She looked hurt and i got up. "You ok sweet heart."

"Yea, just sad. i didn't mean to"

"No you don't need to feel bad its ok."

"Yea who are you here with." I ask the little girl.

"With my mommy but i can't find her so I decided to play with ny ball hoping she would come back." I looked everywhere with her and her mother was no where to be found.

She stayed with us for awhile. I played with her in the sand and i bought her an ice cream.

Her mother returned soon and gray hugged me."You will be a great mother but its our honeymoon so lets have fun!" Gray grabbed my hand and we went in the water. Gray and i swam and soon wrapped my legs around his waist as he stands in the.water and we kiss.

"Your my everything honestly." Gray said.

"I'm glad we are together." I said with a kiss

Three hours later



Ok everythings packed. "Everything is ready to go."

Gray grabbed my hand and we got into the car. "Back to fairytail." I sighed and laid my head on grays shoulder

Here u go hope u enjoy

Btw i want to do a Q&A like every chapter i answer a question you ask if you think its a good idea bring in the questions.. hope you enjoy!

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