Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sun hitting my eyes. I turned the other way and saw Lyon sleeping peacefully. I smiled. As I got up I was sore. I carefully started walking to the bath when I realized I wasn't wearing clothes. I also realized I had bruises all of. That's when I remember what happen. "Oh god..." I took a shower thinking of what happen. I mean no it isn't my first time but this hasn't happened in a while.
As I got out I saw a phone ringing. It was Lyon. On the phone was a picture of a beautiful woman with pink hair. I got upset for a second but calmed myself because I wasn't sure who she really was. So I answered. "Hello..."

"Hi is Lyon there..?"

"No, I'm sorry who is this. How do you know Lyon?"

"Oh, I'm his girlfriend.."

".......," I dropped the phone and started crying. I went to the bedroom  and slammed the door open. As Lyon heard the door hit the wall he woke up. "Hey honey-- what's wrong. "

"You're a cold heartless man."

"Juvia" he tried to reach for me but I let go.

"Don't touch me!!" I was breathing heavily. "How long!! "

"A month...but Juvia I swear I--"

"Oh my gosh!!"  I ran out of the house into the arms of the one I need the most. "Gray-sama"

"Juvia.." He heard my sobbing and kissed my forehead.

"Lyon was cheating on Juvia. He was having an affair for a month."  I saw his jaw clenched and I hugged him. "Im sorry.."

"Don't be..." He kiss my forehead again. It started raining and gray looked at. "Juvia, I'm sorry I left. Please forgive me."  I nodded my head and he kissed my forehead. Again... He the reason the rain stopped. "I love you but it's gonna take time for Juvia to get over this heart break." 

"Absolutely I understand. Just know I'm here if you need me."  I nod my head and smiled them frowned. "What's wrong."

"I have nowhere to live."

"Move in with me...."

Im so so so sorry for being inactive and not publishing anything. I've been very busy. I hope you forgive me... I will share my pocky if you forgive me...😞
Anyway! I hope you enjoy. If I love Gruvia follow my vine @~Gruvia bby~ I make Gruvia, NaLu, Jerza, and Gale edits


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