Chapter 5

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Dedicated to musicalblueberry
I know, I'm a terrible person and sorry for the late update. I hate waiting long periods for updates which is why I'm terribly sorry, guys!

"Yes, yes how hard is it to understand? Simple tell them if they aren't ready to pay the money we're going to stop supporting them and drop the project!"

Eric entered the house to see his young yet extremely powerful aunt pacing in the long hallway with a phone by her ear.

"No, the project won't affect us! It's going to affect them! We are supporting them, you dimwit!" She looked up and saw Eric standing by the doorway and smiled.

"Listen, Johnny I'll call you later." She quickly stuffed the phone into her pocket and embraced her nephew.

"Eric! How was work today?" Her grey eyes had an unusual spark to them, but yet, there was always a spark in her eyes which gave her an expression that no one could really place.

Be it happiness, be it sadness, be it a cunning expression; no one knew and would never find out. Or would they?

Eric's mind drifted to his conversation with Ian earlier and he considered telling his aunt about it since it was her company. Considered.

He opened his mouth to speak but quickly stopped himself, as thought of how Daphne would react. She would probably say no because for some reason, she was against the forest and everything that came from it.

She called it a natural killer.

Though Eric shut himself up in time, his little action was not lost on Daphne, and she raised a brow at him and brushed away some lose tendrils of hair from her bun.

"What is it you want to tell me?" Eric's eyes widened as he stuttered, trying to make up something. Yes, Eric was really not that sharp sometimes.

"Come on Eric, tell me the truth. What were you going to say?" Daphne's expression turned from slightly cheery to deathly serious.

Feeling cornered, Eric sighed. "Okay, we had a meeting with Ashton Interiors and they agreed to the partnership. The exhibition is on..." Eric paused to see Daphne's reaction to the good news but all he got was a grim nod.

He bit his lip and continued. "After the meeting, Ian suggested to me in the office that I do something to get more inspiration to create more works for the exhibition, that's all."

He gulped as Daphne raised yet another brow, asking him what the suggestion was.

"Uh w-well he suggested that I, um, we I mean, uh, go on a field trip to, erm, Brazil! Y-Yeah, Brazil!" Eric winced as the lie came through and watched what his aunt would do.

She sighed, shaking her head and laughing softly. "Why that's a great idea! The way you were acting had me thinking you were going to some forest or something!" She laughed loudly this time and Eric joined in, laughing nervously.

Drowning in guilt, Eric quickly excused himself and scurried up to his room, but not before pulling out his phone and texting Ian and Kathy.

If Daphne asks, we're going to Brazil , not Wruhoph Forest. Got it?

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