Chapter 14: No I Mean It, Super Glue Your Lips!

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Chapter 14: No I Mean It, Super Glue Your Lips!

Inspired by: Super (Bk. 1)

Not edited.
"You need to teach that bird some serious manners!" Eric's voice rang out as they trekked up the path Eric took before to find the Moire.

After the painting was finished,  Eric left it on the moss to dry in the sun while he rested next to Robyn by the river.

That was a bad idea, of course, for them both to be asleep while the painting was left unprotected from a certain mischievous albatross who seemed to hate Eric.

As predicted (by me the author, you know, the one who knows everything that's going to happen in this book), the two were awoken by a slight crunching noise.

Robyn's eyes snapped open and darted to the side to see the gigantic bird slowly and cautiously picking up the canvas that lay in the grass. Eric saw it too and let out a surprised yelp.



Funny word.

Oh um, *clears throat* sorry.

As I was saying, the bird froze at the sudden noise, the canvas hanging from his mouth.

It became a staring contest.

Man versus bird.

Eric, unfortunately, blinked and Alby spread his wings in victory. Eric took the opportunity and leapt towards Alby, but the bird, thanks to his fast reflexes, shot into the sky and flew away, making a loud shrill mocking noise.

Robyn hadn't allowed hin to make another painting, claiming they had wasted enough time already. Who would've thought she was the one who was reluctant to go to the city?

But true enough, by the time they crossed the Moire and climbed up the little hill Eric had tumbled down before, the sky was a dark blue apart from a little patch in the west which was still a dark red.

Robyn laughed. "He's usually really sweet, so I guess he just doesn't like you." "Shut up, everyone likes me." He stuck his tongue out at her and she laughed again.

Soon enough, they had both doubled over in laughter which echoed through the trees. Then Robyn stopped.

"Shut up, Eric." He laughed harder. "Aw, is someone jealous?"

"No I mean it, super glue your lips!" She stretched her legs apart and bent slightly, one hand slapped over Eric's mouth and the other outstretched.

Eric rolled his eyes and licked her hand. Immediately, her hand flew off his mouth and she wiped his saliva on his shirt.

"Ew Eric! Why in the world are you so child-" shs was cut off by a low growl. Eric's eyes widened in fear and he let out a muffled grunt when Robyn tackled him to the ground with force and covered his mouth again.

"Don't you dare lick my palm again, Eric." Her hot breath fanned his neck and he nodded briskly. He looked up and saw Robyn's green eyes darting around them wildly.

Gently, he pulled her hand off and asked in a hushed tone, "What was that?" Robyn glanced at him briefly before tightening her grip around his waist, either she ignored the blush that covered Eric's cheeks or she was totally oblivious.

"Wolves. If we stay hidden and silent they'll probably go away,"

Suddenly, one by one, three dark wolves jumped out of the bushes and onto the path. Their eyes flashed menacingly in the moonlight as Eric let out a shriek and flew to his feet.

"Or not!"

Robyn jumped up as well and stood in front of Eric. The sky was completely dark now. "Eric when I say run, run as fast as you would if Alby was chasing you, got it?"

"Wait, what? I'm not leaving you behi-"

"One..." Eric's eyes widened a little more.

"Wait Robyn, no!"

"Two..." Eric couldn't believe it. Never would he have imagined he would ever be in a damsel-in-distress position.

"Three!" Robyn shoved him out of the way just as the wolves pounced. "Robyn!" The wolves turned to face him.

"Oh crap."

Everything was silent, until...


Then he was pulled. Then he was running. He came back to his senses and he saw Robyn running ahead of him, practically dragging him away from the pursuing wolves.

Then it happened. Eric somehow managed to trip over a leaf  (cue the face palms, you know you wanna) and fell, pulling Robyn down with him.

Two of the wolves (which Eric decided to name Emilio and Olga just because he can) fell back. The leader (aka Steve) jumped on a rock formation just above them and jumped down in slow motion. At least to Eric it was.

Then, a flash of sleek black flew over them, knocking the wolf down. Emilio and Olga whimpered but lunged at the black panther that crouched protectively in front of Robyn and Eric when Steve barked at them.

There were loud growls and animalistic shriek as Eric hauled Robyn up and started backing away quickly.

His back slammed against something and a loud metallic clang sounded.

The gate.

He immediately shrugged off his backpack and searched for the key as the wolves became more aggressive.

Just as he found it, Steve managed to get past the black panther and he jumped on top of Robyn.

Their eyes widened when Steve bore his glistening sharp teeth at Robyn and Eric inserted and turned the key in the lock just as Robyn screamed, "Sarabi!"

The panther yanked Steve back in a flash and Eric tumbled with Robyn through the open gate.

Olga saw this and ran full speed towards them just as Robyn slammed the gate close and Eric locked it quickly before sitting back down in the grass.

They made it.

He heard a thump.

He turned.

Robyn was on ground clutching her arm.

It was stained red.



Long chapter for you! Yaay! Long chappies be swag, man!
Oh. Mah. Deodorant.
I did NOT just say swag.

Anywho, I LOVED how Robyn was all saving Eric's ass, right?
Everybodeh go GIRL POWERR! WOOT WOOT!!

So as I indicated, this chapter is inspired by the book Super . You should totally check it out it's awesome. If you've read it you'd recognize the wolf scene and how Eric was naming the wolves.

I have given the author credit and stated that scene was not my idea which means this is NOT considered as plagiarism. I think.

So for those who are confused, Sarabi is that badass panther in the last part of the chapter and for the Disney gurus who actually didn't know, Sarabi is actually Simba's mom's name. :)

Okeeeh readers! Until next tiimeee! Stay in school kids *puts on strict teacher face* -_-

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