Chapter 15- You're That Barista At Dunkin Donuts! Or Was It The Coffee Shop?

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Chapter 15-You're That Barista At Dunkin Donuts! Or was it The Coffee Shop?

Not edited

Ash everywhere.


"Run, Robyn, run!"

Robyn's eyes snapped open as she sat up, her breath coming in ragged pants. She was starting to remember her past.

Why was she remembering so many things all of a sudden?

That's when she noticed she was in a bed. She looked around. The  white curtains had been drawn and the even whiter walls contrasted with the black furniture.

Where am I?

Her head snapped to the door when she heard hushed footsteps coming closer. The doorknob turned.

In panic, she laid back down and shut her eyes tightly. She heard the slight clutter of silverware as something was placed on the bedside desk.

Just a little closer...

She stiffened when someone pulled her blanket higher. Drawing in a sharp breath, she shot up and reached out, pulling the stranger into headlock.

She grabbed a fork from the tray by the bed and held it close to the now screaming man's neck just as two females rushed in.

"Come closer and I'll...I'll fork his eyes out! Yeah!" The terrified man let out a shriek.

"Robyn! " She was suddenly engulfed in a hug. The captured man took the opportunity and slipped out of her grasp. Even more panicked than before, she raised the fork to stab the person. Then she inhaled.

It was Eric.

Completely relaxed and relieved,  she hugged him back tightly. At least someone she could trust was here.

"Thank God  you're okay. How's your arm?" He whispered as he buried his face in her hair.

Then someone ruined the moment.

That someone cleared their throat.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your friend  or are you too busy cuddling?" Eric jumped back and scratched his nape sheepishly.

Robyn looked at the girl who spoke. She had long brown hair and her pretty features were etched into a frown.

A sense of familiarity struck Robyn, but she couldn't remember she knew her from.

"Um sorry. Kathy, this is Robyn, Robyn, Kathy, Pearl, Robyn, Robyn, Ian, Ian, Robyn, Robyn, Pearl!" He smiled triumphantly for saying that in one breath.

Everyone smiled and murmured "hi" awkwardly at Robyn and then there was silence, until one girl, Pearl, approached her and stretched out her hand.

Robyn immediately recognized her and blurted out, "Hey! You're that girl that was watching Eric drown!"

A deep red colour crept to her cheeks. "Um yeah, sorry about that. I would've helped if, you know, I could actually swim," she gave Robyn a sheepish smile before walking back to her place by the curtains.

"Hey! I'm Ian. Though probably you already knew that because Eric just said it but I kinda thought, you know, you wouldn't know which one of us Ian but maybe you did 'cause Ian's a boy's name and you seem educated which baffles me because you've lived in the woods which probably explains why you're so strong even when you're injured and...I'm rambling aren't I?"

Robyn let out a giggle at his red face but quickly realized her slip up and slapped her hand over her mouth.

Eric chuckled and shook his head. "Relax, you can laugh. No one's going to hurt you here. You're safe and I'll be right back." He shot her a quick smule before leaving the room, Pearl and Ian in tow.

Completely forgetting about Kathy, Robyn settled into the bed and let out a heavy sigh, closing her eyes.

"Who are you?"

She opened her eyes, shocked to see someone still in the room. She swallowed as Kathy made her way to the edge of the bed and sat down. "And why do I feel like I know you?"

Robyn's eyes widened. "You feel that too?" Her voice was barely above a whisper. Kathy pursed her lips and nodded.

"I feel like we've met before, but..." she snapped her fingers. "You're that barista from Dunkin' Donuts! Or was it The Coffee Shop?"

Robyn's eyebrows furrowed. "Dunkin Donut? What's that?"

Kathy looked shocked for a second before bursting into laughter. "What's so funny?"

The laughter faded as shock took form again. "Oh you're serious! Wow, I- I guess you really are from the woods..." she muttered before turning to Robyn with a bright smile on her face.

" Eric told us everything and I'm gonna help make this month in the city the best month of your life! Starting now," she took Robyn's hands. "You just made a new friend, Robby!"

Robyn made a face at the new nickname. Kathy frowned. "No? Okay, how 'bout...RobRob!" Robyn shook her head vigorously and Kathy tried again.



"Ugh! I give up!" She collapsed onto the bed. "Robyn?"


"Go shower, we're going shopping."


"Robyn? Robyn!" Eric shook her unconscious figure. He frantically looked around for anything he could use to wake her up.

Finding nothing, he settled with the most reasonable thing at the time to him.


"Please wake up," he whispered, throwing fistfuls of grass at her face. "Please?" He tickled her nose with a blade but was cut off by a snap. Someone was coming.

Frantically, he hid in the shadow of a large tree, dragging Robyn as well.

"I swear I heard something out here, Darren."


"Are you sure you weren't hearing things? It could have been an animal." came Darren's slightly exasperated voice.

They came to a stop in front of the tree Eric hid by.

"That's possible but it sounded like the gate." Shocked, Eric drew in a loud sharp breath and Darren's head shot up slightly.

"Daphne!  That gate has been locked for years and if there was an intruder, security would have informed you already. Give it a rest, let's go."

Eric heard her mumble something before walking in the direction of the house. Darren chuckled under his breath, dropping something on the ground before following.

Eric reached for the rectangular object and turned it on. On the bright screen, it read;

Call your friends to come pick you up.
The girl isn't ready to come to this house just yet.

Eric's breath hitched. When did he type this? Had he seen them arrive? But more importantly,

How did he know about Robyn?

Photo of Robyn on the side. I'll just photoshop her eyes later.

1052 words.

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