Chapter 6

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Eric sighed while gazing through his window at the dark morning sky. The sun hadn't risen yet and he was waiting for Ian to 'take him up to the airport'.

Their plan was simple. Tell Daphne they had to get to the airport by 5a.m in order not to miss their 'flight' and return to the house in secret, since that was the easiest way to get to the forest.

A loud honk interrupted Eric from his thoughts and he quickly grabbed his travel bag and sprinted downstairs.

The front door was open and almost all his relatives who lived in the mansion were bidding farewells and hugging Ian, Kathy and apparently her friend Pearl.

Almost all of them.

Eric's eyes skimmed the large living room but he didn't find the person he was looking for. That wasn't a surprise though. She hardly came out of her room.

"Oh Eric! You're all packed?" His elder cousin, Maud turned to look at him, causing all the other seven people to turn also.

"Uh yeah, I just need to see Delia before I go. She's in her room?" Her face softened and she nodded slowly. Kathy smiled reassuringly and followed him upstairs to Delia's room.

Eric knocked softly and there was a quiet come in. "Hey kiddo," Eric smiled as he looked at the frail crippled figure on the bed. "Why are you up at this hour?"

" Well partly because of that deafening honk I heard five minutes ago, but I remembered today is the day you leave-oh hey Kathy!" Eric's sister smiled weakly.

Eric sat on the bed and hugged her, careful not to hurt her too much. "We'll be back in three days Dee, don't miss me too much."

"Oh please, these three days will be the best! No annoying brother to stop me from watching chick flicks all day,finally!"

"You know you'll worry about me,"

"In your dreams, Barto."

Eric's face scrunched up in disgust at his dreaded middle name and Delia burst out laughing but it soon turned into a series of coughing fits.

Delia had been diagnosed with osteosarcoma back when she was just fourteen, when her's and Eric's parents were alive. It crippled her a month after diagnosis and over the years, it grew worse.

She couldn't even raise her head without support from another person.

Eric kissed her forehead gently before exiting the room, Kathy following, closing the door softly behind them. She squeezed his hand gently as they descended from the second floor.


"Okay turn here!" Eric yelled as the car made a sharp turn, sending them all flying to the windows on the right of the car.

"God, Ian do you want to kill us?" Kathy exclaimed. Pearl groaned and clutched her stomach. "I think I'm gonna be sick,"

In a flash, her face turned a sickly green and everyone began to panic.

"Get a bag for her! GET A BAG!"

"Don't tell me what to do, you, you-"

"For God's sake, just shut up and get a bag! Unless you want puke all over your car!"

"Guys I don't feel so good,"


"Good Lord I need I bag!"


"See! I told you-"

"DUDE, YOU MISSED THE LAST TURN!" Eric shouted and the car stopped immediately. He banged his head on the steering wheel before reversing.

In two minutes, they were sneaking across Eric's mansion's huge backyard to the old rusty fence gate that led to the forest. There was only one thing that seemed to prevent them from continuing their journey.

The gate was locked.

Oh but of course Eric would never let such a small detail escape his mind. It was obvious Daphne would lock it and hide the key.

But Eric had been there when she was hiding it. He was playing hide and seek in the library with Andrew when the door opened quietly and Daphne hurriedly hid the key at the top of one of the bookshelves.

Eric remembered his confrontation with his uncle Darren when he was trying to steal the key.

"Looking for this?" Eric jumped as Darren appeared from the shadows, with the key glistening in his hand.

His grey eyes sparkled with amusement which matched the smirk on his face.

"Eric, I know everything. Just be grateful that I'm not in the mood to tell, or else my sister would have you out of this house faster than you could say 'sinister' "

Eric gulped as Darren placed the cold metal in his palm. " Don't be surprised if you meet someone out there,"

And with that, he disappeared into the shadows, as quietly as he appeared, his black clothes merging with it, just as a gust of cold air swept into the room, from the open window.


Eric fumbled around his pockets when he heard footsteps. He looked at the panicked faces of his friends before inserting the key into the key hole.

They grew louder, leaves crunching under the person's feet and Eric heard a click from the rusted padlock and the gate swung open.

Everyone sprinted past and Eric closed the gate behind him, about to lock it again when he saw the beam of a flashlight.

His heart started to beat rapidly as the footsteps and the light grew nearer.


That was it. He sprinted away from the gate, just as the beam landed on it.

The guard shrugged and walked past the gate, unaware of the group of four in the woods.

At Eric's window, the dark figure of a man who had watched what had happened stood tall. He nodded and a sinister smile crept across his face.

The time has come.

Author's Note

Gosh that was a long chapter! But it's all I could give you to thank you all for waiting for so long for an update.

Please don't be mad. :)

Okay so how did Darren appear to you? Cruel? Dark? Creepy? Freaky?...Stupid?

Comment and share your thoughts about the characters.

Okay so I thought about it and decided to make a trivial game about what's yet to happen in the story! Yaaay.... X)

Okay so today's questions are;
1) Do you think they will spot Robyn?

2) If yes, who do you think will spot her first?

Simple. The first to answer correctly will get;
Two dedications on two different chapters and a follow!

The second to answer correctly will get;
A follow!

The third to answer correctly will get;
A dedication!

Yaaaay! I know, lame prizes but it's all I got XD

Until next update....

Wacky Nikki :3

1100 words

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