Chapter 12

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Robyn saw the incident as his excuse to stay with her longer.

She couldn't believe she let him persuade her into going to the city with him. And for a whole month!

She'd spent the past two days tending to his injury and showing him, rather reluctantly, around the part of the forest they were in and the quickest ways to exit or enter the cabin in the case of emergency.

There was an aid kit in the cabin but she refused to use it on his injury, which annoyed him to no end, and chose to use natural herbs and leaves which had the most putrid smells.

"Are you a witch doctor?" He had asked her as he eyed the moss green slimy mixture in the pot over the fire.

She looked at him in surprise. "Because if you are then I-"

She cut him off by bursting into laughter. She didn't even notice the brief look of awe that flashed across his face.

"I assure you, if I had any intentions to kill you or sell your soul I would have done it by now."

His face paled. As she turned her attention back to the pot he heard him mumbling. "That really helped. It did really."

After forcing the abomination, as Eric called it, down his throat, she grabbed her satchel and walked out of the cabin without a word.

She was almost out of the glade when she heard panting and her name. He caught up to her, still out of breath.

"Whe-Where are you going?"

"None of your business, " She kept walking.

"Hold-Hold up! I'm coming with you, " he got her to stop.

"No, you aren't. "

"Yes, I am."



"God, I said no!"

"And I said yes!"

She faced him scowling.

"If you don't return to the cabin right now, I won't fix your wounds for you anymore."

"Great! I hated that occultic concoction you kept giving me." He smirked when he saw her expression. She was definitely NOT expecting such and answer.

"I-uh, I-um, well...oh fine!" She threw her hands up in frustration and continued on.

Eric smiled triumphantly and followed her out of the glade.





"Argh! Are you always this annoying?"

"Are you always this whiny?"

Robyn huffed in frustration while Eric just chuckled and threw a fistful of grass at her.

They'd managed to take a detour to a small field in the middle of the woods filled with different kinds of flowers. They had spent hours guessing what types of flowers there were and Robyn completely lost track of time.

After an hour of flower identification, they suddenly started to talk about animals. Soon enough, they were arguing about which was the better pet; cats or dogs. Robyn was for cats and Eric, for dogs. A flower next to him caught his eye.

"What about that one? " He pointed to it, completely forgetting about their argument

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"What about that one? " He pointed to it, completely forgetting about their argument. Robyn looked at it and smiled. "That's a carnation. It comes in different colors." Eric looked at her. "Yeah? Well what does this one mean?" "I don't know, the book didn't say." She replied, talking about one old book about flowers she found in the cabin. Eric nodded and reached to pluck the flower, bringing it to his nose. Robyn eyes widened, "Uh, I'm pretty sure I-" He let out a shriek and fell backwards as something flew out of the flower. He leaped up, seemingly forgetting about his injury, and started running- a combination of limping and continuous falling.

"-saw a bee go in there " she trailed off, watching as he ran around the field frantically waving his arms and screaming. Robyn burst out in laughter. "Don' it!" She said in between laughs.


"I said don't...swat!"

"Fall flat? Okay!" And with that, he face planted into a bush.


"You could have helped you know," he grumbled, rubbing his behind. Robyn let out a laugh. "I did, genius. You just didn't hear me over your girly screams." Eric gasped and feigned hurt.

"Girly! I will have you know I am manly in more ways than one," he winked at her and she gagged.

"Ew Eric, ew."

He chuckled and slung an arm across her shoulders, oblivious to Robyn's shocked expression. "I've got something for you," he whispered in her ear.

There it was. That odd feeling in her stomach. The heat in her cheeks that came with it. He chuckled yet again and reached into his pocket. He brought out a slightly crooked flower. The carnation with the bee. Robyn suppressed a grin. "You still have that?"

Eric just smiled and leaned in. Robyn began to panic. What was he doing?

She froze when his hot breath fanned her face. Then slowly, he tucked the flower behind her right ear.

"Beautiful," he whispered before limping away, chuckling at Robyn's dazed expression and beetroot face.
"You WHAT?" They all flinched at the sound.

"W-we lost Eric," Ian repeated. Kathy's eyes widened when she saw Daphne's pale face growing red.

"Uh-uh, what h-he meant t-t-to say is that E-Eric ran away from us." She gulped as Daphne turned her bluish-grey eyes to her.

"Ran away?"

"Uhm, uh yes yes! We had no idea what was wrong with him, he just got up and poof like that he was gone." Ian slapped his hands together.

"And you didn't stay and look for him?" All eyes turned to Maud, who had been sitting on the couch, silently munching on some bread. Kathy answered her.

"We did. I swear we did but the woo-I mean Brazil's very large!" She corrected herself when Ian elbowed her side.

Daphne narrowed her eyes at them. Then, she walked out of the room.

"I told you sister, he will bring her back. You can count on it."

Here's Chapter 12!

So I need your help with something.

I need all you beautiful people out there to please vote on this book :)

I also need you little rugrats to comment on this book :) (good comments tho)

I also would like to have you little Disney princes and princesses follow me ;)

I puh-romise to follow you back!

Scout's honor ;)

Chapter titles: yay or nay?

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