Fattening Foods Pillow Fights and Broken Noses

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A.N- a really long chapter for all y'all. Hehe now I'm country!



I opened my eyes to see almost everybody awake and having Tory, Sidney, and Alaina staring at me from the foot of the bed all wide-eyed.

"Dudes that's just creepy you freaks" I said half asleep sounding like a man.

I stretched my arms and leaned to one side being stupid enough to fall off the bed hitting my head on we bedside table. "OOF!" I screamed. I sat up and looked at my so called 'friends' who were holding in their laughter.

"It's ok..let it out" I told them. So they all burst into a fit of giggles right there, in front of my face, on Tory's carpet. So kind. They were rolling around on the foot their faces turning red ad wiping away a tear every once in a while.

Once they were done mocking me, I got up and skipped to Tory's bathroom to wash my face and make sure the corner of Tory's bedside table isn't in my forehead. I quickly washed my face with my Aveeno face wash and skipped back to Tory's room.

"We already ordered Nutella crepes Tara" Angela said. "Yummy" I said rubbing my tummy. "We're gonna get a sugar high" I heard Julia sing. "Tehe" I replied.

The delicious looking crepes arrived with butloads of Nutella and tons if whipped cream on top. Steven, one of Tory's 'people' I guess you would say, served me and I politely asked for a small cup of strawberries. He quickly came back with them and I tried to poke them into my crepe. "Crepe crepe crepe crepe crepe crepe" I heard Sidney sing. "Crepe crepe crepe crepe crepe crepe crepe" we both said in unison and soon enough everyone chimed in. "Crepe crepe crepe crepe

Crepe crepe crepe" we all sang together.

Sadly our amazing singing skills got interrupted by a "hello songsters" we looked over at the doorway and saw Anthony standing there and I think I saw Tory blush. "Hey duuuuuude" I said in a surfer tone. "How is everything?" He asked "DELICIOUS!" Alaina yelled. He smiled ad walked out if the room.

Once we finished, we quickly got changed into our bathing suits. I wore a red, white, and blue Union Jack bikini. I made sure to take my anklet off so i wouldn't lose it. I tucked it safely in the outside pocket of my blue rhapsody backpack. Alaina wore a hot pink, neon green, and bright blue zigzag patterned bikini and Angela wore a neon yellow bikini with small navy blue anchors on it. Sidney wore a green, blue, and pink striped bikini and Julia wore a rainbow leopard print bikini. Lastly Tory wore a multi ikat bikini.

When we were done changing we headed down to the pool where I slowly made my way into the freezing water whereas everybody except Angela cannonballed in. "Ahhh!" I screamed. "You got me wet!" "We'll you were gonna get wet anyways" Angela said to me. I nodded in agreement. I quickly ran to my bag and got my 'Joe Jonas' glasses as I call them and jumped into the pool.

After about an hour if splashing each other and getting chlorine in our eyes, we ran upstairs and got dressed. We sat on Tory's bed and got ready for our Princess Diaries marathon. About halfway through the second movie, I heard my stomach growl.

"I'm hungry!!" I screamed making Alaina yelp and fall off the bed. "Tehe" I said. I ran downstairs and told Anthony that we were ready for lunch. 30 minutes later, he came upstairs with six trays with burgers, fries and milkshakes. Holy cheesenuggets I'm going to get fat. I keep eating junk food. Im gonna look like a pregnant lady and people are gonna say 'congratulations' and I'm going to tackle them and go to prison and only have jail friends. Fun! I'm off topic aren't I?

Once we were finished eating our fattening meal, we walked around the palace gardens. Then we got lost. Hehe. Finally after about twenty minutes, the kind palace servers brought us a dinner picnic!

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