Elevators, Cheesy Music, and Confusion

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Angela and crowded in an elevator with our but-loads of luggage. It probably looks like we are staying here for a year. Wait, we are. Haha I don't feel funny.

I pressed the level 15 button and we slowly went up listening to cheesy elevator music. It was so quiet. Ya know that awkward moment when you and your friend are jamming out to bad elevator music. Well that's not happening right now.

We finally heard a ding and usually that means the elevator door will open right? Well. You. Are. Wrong. The door stayed close for about thirty seconds. I kind of flipped out. "ANGELA!!! WE ARE GONNA DIE IN AN ELEVATOR WITH CRAPPY MUSIC!!" I started to walk toward the door and u hit it with my fists. I knocked our suitcases over in the process.

The door opened, unexpectedly, and these people stared at me like I was a 12 foot earthworm. My luggage fell onto this little girls foot and she still stated at me. Am I that beautiful! (Note the sarcasm.)

I got all of my bags and walked out of the elevator with Angela behind me. The door closed and we burst into laughter. I turned around smiling and nobody was there. I expected pointing fingers and my so called "friends" laughing at me but the chairs were empty. My heart was empty.

We sat down and waited 5 more minutes and nobody came. We heard a ding and Sidney and Julia stepped out. " Hey have you guys seen Tory and Alaina?" I asked. "No we just spent some time in one if the mini boutiques in the lobby" Julia replied. "Well lets just walk down the hall to find our rooms so we can put our bags down. Maybe they got lost" Angela said.

We walked down the hallway 3 times and didn't see out rooms. "Maybe we are on the wrong floor" Sidney suggested. "Umm guys, look at your room keys. They say to put your key in the slot in the elevator and press the PHL button." I said. Haha penthouse level. Who's the loser now suckers!! Wait, I think it's still me. Crap. "I'm taking the stairs chili beans!" I say turning around. Angles looker up and down at my luggage. "That's a pretty stupid idea" she says. I sigh and respond "You say it like I am not full of dumb and stupid ideas. Geez Angela, you should know better then that."

We all piled in the elevator to the point where we were so squished we had to sit in our baggage. We got to the penthouse level and the elevator dinged. "Don't worry guys, it'll open soon" I said. Angela laughed and I gave her the hairy eyeball. The door opened and I fell on the floor. "Oww!" I moaned. It seems like I fall on the floor a lot. We walked out of the elevator me getting stuck in the stupid sliding door.

My jaw dropped. There sitting in the commons area were Tory and Alaina looking happy as a clam. Why did somebody even make up that saying. How the crap do these people know how happy fricking clams are all the time. Do they check there Facebook status. My life is a complete lie.

"How long have you guys been here?" Sidney asked. "About ten minutes. What took you guys so long?" Tory asked. "Well," Angela said sitting next to Tory and Alaina, "we pressed the level 15 button because we knew we were on the top floor so the door opens and we didn't see anyone. We thought that you either went into your rooms already or didn't get there yet. So we walked up and down the hallway, looking for our rooms, and when we couldn't find them, we checked our room keys. That's when we saw the note" Angela finished. "Same here" Sidney added sitting next to them.

"Well, we should probably go get settled in and get ready for dinner" Tory reminded us. "Right" I agreed. We all walked toward our rooms and put our keys in the slots. My light turned green and I closed my eyes so I couldn't see anything. I closed the door behind me and stayed completely silent. I heard running footsteps in the room right of me. Tory. I heard a loud "OMG!" from behind me. Sidney. Lastly I heard a loud scream in the room left if me. Angela. 'This is going to be good' I said to myself.


Hey guys!!!

I finally updated!!!

Why don't you guys go check on the clams Facebook status and tell me if they're happy cause I would really like to know.

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