Killing Some Countries

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Oh my goodness! It's been 5 days since I've been on the internet! I feel so drained, so forgive me if there's spelling mistakes or anything.

Don't own Hetalia or the songs. Only the OCs and the story is mine.


I want to kill them.

It's only been three days and I want to kill them. How could a group of boys fight so freakin' much? Like Francis and Arthur. I know they have sexual tensions and stuff, but come on!

Fighting all the freakin' time isn't gonna do anything! You know what else sucks?

I haven't got a minute of sleep since they got here! I'm on the edge here!

I sigh, looking at Alfred laugh at an angry Arthur. Maybe I should stay at a hotel or go to a friends house.

Getting tired of whatever they are fighting about, I walk out of the living room. It's almost 5, and I already wanna go to bed.


And plus I have insomnia, so it's kinda hard to fall asleep anyways.

Great, now I'm rambling to myself. If I stay up any later, I'll start getting loopy and violent.

It happens to everyone...Ok, maybe not the violent part, but we all get loopy. I know that because I got friends.

Don't lie to yourself, Anna.

I sigh, I'm talking to myself again.

I start up the stairs, closing my eyes. So, so tired.

"YOU BLOODY TWIT!" My eyes snap open and I start to slip down the stairs.

I groan as I fall onto the floor. Maybe I should just lay here, that sounds so nice...

"Anna?" I groan in response to the American voice. I hear a chuckle and the rustle of clothes.

"Why are you on the ground?" He asks. I groan again, turning my head to look at Alfred.

"I thought you were fighting with Iggy.." I give him a loopy smile.

"I was, but Francis came up and voiced his opinion." He says, smiling. I make an 'o' shape with my mouth.

"Alfred, I'm so tired." I cry into the carpet. I hear him chuckle again."It's ok, come let's get you into your room."

His hand wraps around my arm, pulling me up easily.

"Come on." He tugs on my arm. I don't think I can move.

"No, I'm fine, I got this." I smile again, this time a little less loopy.

He releases me, grinning at me for some odd reason.

Maybe he thinks I'm cool.

Doubt it.

Ah, whatever.  I walk into my room, grabbing my phone and going on MusicTube. I click shuffle and lay on the couch.

I put my arm over my eyes. yawning. Ah, it's a wonderful cat life blast through my earphones, drowning out the Brit.

I start to drift off, thinking of various ways to kill someone.

BAM! I spring up, blinking and looking around. It's dark, what the crap? I feel around for my glasses, not finding them.

I guess I did fall asleep.

That's right, insomnia, take that, bitch.

Not the point. I stand, pocketing my phone. Eh? Ah, annoying blares through my earphones.

I squint into the darkness. Man, I'm screwed if someone's in my house. What if it's a rapist?

I run into a wall then back up into a chair. Shit. They probably heard me and going to rape me!

I walk into the kitchen, hearing a rustling sound. I walk in and it stops.

It's silent for a second before I hear a noise. Something flies in front of my face and I scream, falling on my ass.

I open my eyes to see a yellow thing chirping at me."Oh, Gilbird, it's you." I stand, sighing.

He stays on my head as I start to leave. Always with you...Nordic Five plays through the earphones.

"You scared the hell outta me, you bird." I whisper.

It chirps at me.

I roll my eyes.

"HI-YA!" A baseball flies over my head, barely missing Gilbird. I scream again, falling on my ass again.

"Did I get it?" Mathias' voice asks. A few comments are heard.
"What are you trying to do? Kill a blind girl?" The lamp switches on and I see the Nordic Five, plus Alfred, Gilbert, and Ludwig.

I glare at them.

Brother Complex starts to play, breaking the tension. Suddenly, I find it hard not to laugh.

I laugh, trying not to snort. A habit very hard to break.

They look at me strangely as Gilbird starts to laugh with me.

A hand appears in my face and I take it, flying up.

Emil's hand, surprisingly. I smile a closed eye one at them.

"Well, this was an eventful night." I say, smiling.
"You screamed." Gilbert yawns.

"Your bird scared me." I retort with a yawn of my own.

"Well, I guess we should go back to bed?" Tino smiles. I nod.

"Yeah, goodnight." I wave to them, walking over to the couch.

I stub my toe and wince.

"You lost your glasses, didn't you?" Mathias says, smirking.


"How are you suppose to find them if you're blind?"

"I have this chip in my eye that helps me find my glasses."

'You do?" I turn, giving him a bland look.

"Are you a class A idiot?" I ask seriously. I hear some muffled laughter.

So I continue my search.

"You know, those kind of questions won't get you very far." Mathias pouts.

"Did I hurt your feeling. Mathias?" I ask as I look under the couch.

I hear some footsteps and someone grabs my collar.

Berwald shows me my glasses. He lets me go as I take them and slip them on.

"Thank you, Berwald!" I get up and pat his arm, lovingly.

He nods, looking at his friend.

"Welp, goodnight, sorry for waking you." I smile, walking towards to my room. Gilbird follows me.

I open my door and I stop.

"Oh yeah," I turn with a grin,"I really like you living with me, it's....enjoyable." I smile at their confused faces.

"Night," I close the door.

Oh my frogs! It's been to long since I've written something about Hetalia. Only 5 days, but it feels like forever! Anyways, hoped you like.


Mickey, when you read this, you'll probably already be done with the concert, but I really hoped you enjoyed yourself! I love you Mickey!

The Idiotic Adventures Of Anna Parker (Hetalia FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now