Idiot Ideas

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"He's adorable." I counter, looking at Matt with careful eyes. He rolls his, taking a big drink of his coke. "He's a movie character, Anna. God, you fall in love so easily." I mimic his eye roll, looking at the TV. I happen to be Matt's house again- just hanging out and complaining about everything. I guess that's the sort of relationship we have.

"But he's such a cutie!" I say, hitting the sofa's arm. "Don't take this out on my couch," He sighs, "So," He begins in a different tone, "Why did you come here? Not that I don't like hanging out with you- It's just unusual for you to come to my house two different times in a week."

I grab the curl that escaped my bun. "Can't I just hang out with you?" I ask, looking up at the older boy. "No, there's always a catch with you." I snort, "You make me sound like Rupplestilskin." He gives me a side ways glance, "You don't look like a small man who likes to take children,"

"And you make him sound like a pedophile." I grin. He runs a hand through his hair, "What is it this time, Anna?" I cross my arms. "I'm confused again." He snorts, muttering, "What's new?" I slap him on the back of the head, noting how soft his hair is. I cross my feet, looking at the TV. Matt sighs, grabbing the remote and shutting it off.

"You have my full attention." He notes, turning towards me. "I.... Had.........." I hesitate. I clap my hands a couple of times, biting my lip with my canine tooth. "Spit it out, Parker." Matt says. I look up at him again, pushing up my glasses. "I'm in love with Sherlock Holmes." I say casually. Matt snorts, "Tell me something I don't know."

"Uh... I'm going to change my last name to Holmes so people will think I'm cool." I shrug, smiling slightly. "But you have the last name of Peter Parker." I look over at him, smirking. "I do have to get married someday, you know. I can't have my last name forever." He rolls his eyes. "Yes, yes. I know."

It's silent for a moment. Matt looks like he wants to ask me something, but is deciding against it. I tap my foot quietly, looking at the black television. "So one if them kissed you again?" I turn to him, glaring for a moment before sighing. "Well," He says, as if girl problems are beyond him, "That's what you get."

"Get for what?! I'm horribly rude to them."

"You also have boobs and a cute face- and have you seen your ass lately?" I snort, covering my mouth. "Matt!" He looks at me casually. "What? I'm just voicing other guy's thoughts." I roll my eyes. "Good to know people only like me for my boobs and butt."

"You forgot you face." He pulls at my cheeks, "It's adorable. You have giant blue eyes and a cute little nose."

I push him away. "Can you not?"

"And plus, your attitude isn't as bad as you think. Your humor happens to brighten my day, your sarcasm is refreshing, you laugh like you have no problems."

"But I happen to have a lot of problems."

"Why high school student doesn't?"

I groan. He smirks, "You cutie, you." I glare at him, crossing my arms and turning towards the blank screen. "And if I had you living in my house, I'd make sure we weren't just kissing." Heat rushes up my neck as I try to ignore him. "We'd be doing..." He get closer to my ear. His breath is tickling my ear and I find it rather uncomfortable.

He kisses my cheek quickly and I make a 'bleh' noise, flinching away from him. "Gross, you licked you lips before you did that, didn't you?" I ask, wiping the saliva from Matt's wet kiss off my cheek . He winks, flicking his hair out of his eyes. I dramatically roll my eyes. "Why must you act so flamboyant?"

"You don't know what that means."

"I know you happen to be flamboyant."

"Hush, you."

The Idiotic Adventures Of Anna Parker (Hetalia FanFic) (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now