Chapter 7: Water Fights

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Your P.O.V. 

Bill pulls me towards the lazy river and then makes two tires appear, one for me and one for him. He helps me get in mine then he jumps in his. We float through waterfalls, sprinklers, and tunnels. During the path, we splashed each other with the water and once I tipped over Bill's tire and he go overboard and into the water. He flips mine over as payback and I fall into the stream. Bill and I had a good laugh and we get back onto the tires and continue to float down the lazy river. "Hey y/n?" starts Bill. "Yea?" i respond. "I'm sorry for yelling when you asked about my parents. I just....I just haven't seen them in a long time." He says. 

Me: "Do you know where they are?"

Bill: "No... I just know why I haven't seen them"

Me: "Why?"

Bill: "They left me since I was three. Before they could go far, I heard them say that I was and will be a disappointment of a son. I don't get why. I mean, I was only two years old." Bill begins in tear up.

Me: "Oh...I'm so sorry for you." I put my hand on his shoulder.

Bill: *sniffle*"Yea, I really wanna know why  *sniffle* they think I'm a disappointment."

Me: "Is there anyway we can find them?" 

Bill: "Not that I could think of, no."

Me: "Well, we're at a waterpark, or pool....whatever, let's have some fun. Alright?"

Bill: "Your'e right. Who cares about my parents, if they don't really care about me, why should I care about them." Murmurs bill. "Just promise me you won't tell anyone else."

Me: "I promise. Ok, so what you wanna do?"

Bill: "Anything you want."

Me: "Ok then." I look around to see what we can do. "You wanna ride a bunch of waterslides?"

Bill: *smiles* "Sure, sounds like fun.*

Me: "Cool, let's go." I grab his hand and help him out of the pool. 

We head towards the tallest waterslide but then I get shot by a beam of water at the side of my face. "What?!?!" I look around and see Mabel and Dipper with water guns. They shoot us with water and Bill and I ran for cover. He and I hid behind a gold wall. Bill makes two huge and fully loaded water guns appear. "These will never run out of water." whispers Bill. He teleports us to the top of a roof and he wait for Mabel and Dipper to show themselves. After a few seconds they come out to open space together and we shoot them. We shot dipper first.

Dipper: "Hey! Mabel!" *shoots Mabel*

Mabel: "Hey! What I do?" *shoots Dipper*

Dipper: "Stop!"

Mabel: "Not until you stop!"

They end up fighting each other while Bill and I laugh our heads off. Then while Bill is busy cracking up, I decide to give him a little surprise. I grab my water gun and shoot Bill at his chest. He stops laughing and grabs his gun. "You wanna play like that huh?" he says. He shoots me in the back and we continue to fight until we get lazy and tired. Ten minutes later, we both get exhausted  and so do Mabel and Dipper. I realized that I'm still on the roof. So does Bill. Bill walks over to me and grabs my waist tightly and then picks me up. Still thinking I'm about to fall, I put my arms around his neck and hold on to him. He flies down to the ground. I feel less fear this time, assuming it's because I'm with Bill and I can trust him. 

Bill: "Hey, you guys wanna take a break?"

Dipper: "PLEASE!!!"

Mabel: *collapses to ground in exhaustion*

Bill: "Ok...I'll take that as a yes." Bill puts me down. "Lemonade Anyone?"

Mabel: "Can we have ice cream?"

Dipper: "Yea that be better."

Bill: "Alright what flavor and toppings?"

Dipper: "Blueberry sherbet with blue berries."


Bill: "Do you ever get anything besides sprinkles?"

Mabel: "WHY SHOULD I!?!?"

Bill: *moment of silence* "Good point." *makes ice cream appear and gives it to Mabel and Dipper*

Mabel: "Thanks!!!"

Dipper: "Thanks."

Bill: "Y/n what would you like?"

Me: "Uh...lemonade please."

Bill: "HeHe same here." *makes big glass of lemonade appear* The glass has two straws. "We'll share." *smiles*

Bill and I share the lemonade while Dipper and Mabel finished their ice cream. 

It's nighttime and we can always come back again some time or later. Bill teleports us back home.


Hey guys!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Comment, Vote, Share, and follow me if you would like!!! Thanks!! -AnitaWin

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