Chapter 15: The Story of My Past

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Bill's P.O.V.

Before I snap my fingers to teleport to my mansion  in the mindscape, I think about how this will go. What will my parents say to me? What will happen? Are they here to apologize to me? If so, then for what? There are so many questions I have for them. But what about me? How do I feel about this? Sure I'm happy to see my parents again, but there's something else. As if....I'm not ready to see them again. Half of me doesn't want to meet my parents. But the other half is craving for the sight of them. I can't decide whether I miss them all these years.....or hate them for what they did to me. You know what?....I will see them.....I will confront the people that left me....I just wanna know the reason why they left. I snap my fingers, and teleport myself to my mansion. At the moment, I'm outside my front door. I reach out to grab the door knob, then pause for a second. Am I ready? Am I truly ready for this. I begin to knock, but then hesitate. I try again but miss, because the door begin to open on it own, mom opened it.  Once the door is fully wide opened, there...I see Cleo and John parents, greeting me with a warm smile. 

Me: "H-Hello..." I start and stutter.

Dad: "Hello son."

Mom: "Welcome home."

Me: I take a deep breath. "We need to talk." I say solemnly.

Dad: "Of course, come in."

Mom: "You must have many questions."

Me: "Indeed I do mother." I say it formally because I feel like it's as if I'm talking to a fancy and sophisticated stranger.

Dad: "So...son, you start."

Me: I pause for a second. Thinking about all the questions I have, thinking about which one is most appropriate and is best t ask first. 

Dad: "Maybe you would like to know why we left."

Me: "Why did you abandon me?"

Mom: "We're sorry. Please just let us explain." She pauses and closes her eyes for a second, remembering the memories and moments that happened in the past. "You see, after you were born, we could never be any happier. You were very sweet, and behaved very well, but that was the problem. You were too nice, too innocent. We even went to a mystical creature, the End Keeper, a being that can predict any requested future."

Me: "And you actually believed it!??!" 

Dad: "Of course! These things are never incorrect about anything they say!"

Mom: "Back to the story. After seeing this prophecy, we didn't know what to do. Ever since you were born, we hoped that you would have become a powerful, soulless, and unforgiving demon who will one day take over the world. Then your father and I had one and only one idea, we'd leave you and raise another child, knowing that you will never be the son that we wanted to have, raising you would have been for nothing, you were and always will be nothing, is what we thought will happen to you. But then we've decided, to take to you back and train the all-powerful demon you were always meant to be."

Dad: "Bill, please forgive us and let us train you. What do you say son?"

Me: I look at hem with a blank stare, but with so much thought in my head.


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