Chapter 5. Cops

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We were still driving down a empty road for what seemed like forever and then we came to a small town. There weren't many people in this town. It was quiet and peaceful. I was still afraid to ask where we were going so I just sat and watched out the window. I didn't know what me and Louis had. He liked me but at the same time I felt like he hated me. He abused me. But then he kissed me. Honestly hes hard to perdict what he'll do next. We finally stop at a small bank. Louis and Niall both pulled on ski masks. Oh no great now there going to rob the bank. Not only did they kidnapp me but no there robing the bank. "Stay here!" Louis hissed at me. I was thinking about running but I'm far from home. I wouldn't know where to go. I watched as they went in with there guns and pointed it at the people. It wasn't to long before they came running out with bags of money and police sirens were ringing. They threw the money in the back with me and drove off fast. I jerked from side to side as the police chased us. I fell over and hit my head hard. "Ow." I groaned. Louis qucikly looked back at me but didn't bother asking if I was alright. What a bastard. Wait why am I calling him a bastard. I mean I kinda like Louis. Hes really cute with all his tattoos and his lip pericing and his blue eyes. But wait I can't be inlove with him. He hurts me.  But I can't help what my heart feels. I have feelings for Louis and I can't stop my feelings. We turned sharp causing me to jerk that snaped me out of thought. Just then Niall  stuck the gun out the window and began to shoot. It sure did slow the car down. Only two cars were chasing us which I thought was weird because normally in this situation several cop cars are chasing the robbers but this town is small so I don't expect much from it. Louis stuck his gun out the window and shot the other cop car and slowed it down. soon you could only see the cars in a distance. I can't believe they got a way with this. We returned to Louis' house with 4 bags I don't know how exactly how much is in each bag but it must be a lot because it was really heavy. Well at least it was for me.


I can't believe we got so much money. We must have a couple thousand. Me and Niall are good with situations like these. We can basically get away with anything. "Should I call Harry?" I asked Niall. "Sure. Tell to come get his bag." We stole four bags so we could split them between Niall, Harry, and myself. I dialled Harry's number and told him to stop by to get his bag of money. Shortly after the doorbell rang. "Hey Harry!" I exclaimed. "Hey Lou!" he shouted back. Harry was staring at Katie as soon as he got in the house. She was sitting on the couch just watching tv. I cleared my throat. He got the hint. "Sorry Lou its just that this girl you got with you is sexy." Harry said smirking. "Yeah well stay away from her Harry." I said giving him a pissed look. "Alright, Alright." he said putting his hands up in the air. I laughed at him and gave him the bag of money. "Ok Well I'll be right back I'm going to go to the store does anyone need anything?" I asked they all shook there heads. "Alright then I'll be back soon." I walked out the door and into Niall's car.


Louis left me alone with Niall and this other guy. Niall was busy counting the money and spliting the fourth bag up equally. The other guy sat really close to me on the couch.I felt so uncomfortable. "Hi I'm Harry." he said in a deep accent. "Umm....Hi?" I said. "Whats your name babe?" Umm.. I'm Katie." I said nervous. I'm a really shy person and this guy was making me uncomforable as it is. "Wanna go to Louis' room?" He asked winking at me. "No thanks." I said rudely. But he didn't care what I said he grabed my wrist and drug me to Louis' room.

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