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"We need an under twenty boys relay team Tomlinson, one that can actually will win at nationals."

The middle aged teacher rolled his eyes at the football coach, leaning over the desk before propping on his elbows. The teacher scoffed glancing at the man who was dressed in similar training gear.

"I'm sorry what but discipline do you teach again?" Tomlinson asked with a raised brow.

The other teacher spoke nonchalantly, "Football."

The coach chuckled dryly, "And that gives you authority to tell me how to do my job how?" The man continued chuckling, "No one complains when your team is getting it's ass handed to, so why are all of you on my back about my track team." His eyes travelled to all of the various physical education teachers in the room.

The teacher seemed unmoved by Tomlinson's words. The man just stated, "We always lose points when it comes to that division. This is your last year here if we lose. The sports programme is over of we don't bring home that nationals trophy. There hasn't been one at the school in years, and the principal doesn't see the purpose of even funding a programme that isn't even successful. So if you want to go back to running the phys ed. classes be my guest."

Tomlinson's blue eyes flickered over everyone in the room. He loved his track and he loved his job and couldn't imagine losing it. He had two months to get a male relay team together before the nationals in March.

The coach stood from the table fixing the school issued cap he was wearing, "Fine you want a winning team. You'll get a winning team, yeah."

And with that the man left the room. Did he really know what he was going to do? No, not at all, he had no plan. Under twenty boys, he had a lot of them on the track team. Boys that would work well as the main relay team, nope.

The coach went to the place where he could think best. He sat on the stands beside the track. The area was quiet, it being after school hours and a Friday evening. There was a slight breeze that wasn't too chilly but enough to just to be cooling. The took out his notepad thinking of who he could put on the list. There were some candidates he had in mind.

Luke Hemmings, a transfer student. He was known for his speed and his skills on the track along with his quick turn over from start position making him a great choice for a first leg, but, the boy was know to be a sore loser. He didn't want one brat bringing down his whole team. Luke however had the potential to be a good member of the team, despite his fault.

Tomlinson sighed, writing the boy's name on the list for his team.

Ashton Irwin was the fastest second leg four by one hundred metre sprinter that he had ever worked with. The boy's body was built for speed and he could easily stride along his leg of the race completely obliterate the competition. His attitude wasn't bad either but, he was never early for practice, always bringing a newer, more bullshit filled excuse the next time. Tomlinson needed the members to be on time. It was crucial for the team to get in as much practice as they could beforehand. This wasn't any old trophy he wanted, this was nationals. They need to have precision and accuracy.

Sighing again the coach scribbled down another name, he wasn't sure what help Ashton would do for them but he hoped something good would happen.

Calum Hood another one of his past team members. He knew that the boy was superior middle distance runner and wasn't too bad of a sprinter. Calum showed little pride for team, most of the pride he had was in himself and for his possessions. It didn't matter how many new pairs of track shoes he got they would always be more for him to wear while they were on the track (the boy was seriously proud of his collection). He was a bit faster than Ashton and could make and easy third or last leg for the team.

Finally was Jacob Ramirez, he was not only fast but was like the glue that held the team together last time at nationals. Not only was he a good leader but an amazing athlete.

Tomlinson had a team, now all they had to was run.

A/N: My new fic. thoughts?

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