Chapter Thirty-Two.

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A/N: There's a lil bit of smut in this chapter between teenage characters. A smidgen of smut? A dollop of dick?

Ashton groaned at the sound of insistent chiming coming from near his head. The boy quickly recognised the sound of his phone alarm, set to go off an hour earlier than his normal wake up time due to competition. He tried to rub some of the sleepiness out of his already blurry vision, moving to roll over to grab his glasses and stop the noise only to realise that he was stuck in place. In his tiredness he'd forgotten about the dark haired teenager that was tucked against his side, still quietly snoozing despite the noise in their room.

Ashton ignored the alarm knowing that it would turn off by itself if left alone to admire his sleeping boyfriend, taking in the peaceful look on his face. Before they had turned in for the night Calum had pouted until Ashton helped him push together the twin beds of their room so they could sleep beside each other after complaining that he was cold - which was of course just an excuse to cuddle but Ashton didn't argue. After that they stayed up together for an hour more talking about anything that came to their mind and giggling at jokes that wouldn't make sense to anyone other than them. Eventually, it was Ashton that turned off the lights, reminding the younger that their morning started early and they should get some sleep. That time he didn't give into Calum's pouting and curled up on his side of their 'bed' leaving the brunette complaining beside him.

Now he woke up with a numb arm and a boyfriend leeching his body heat which left him amused but fond. He brought his other hand to Calum's hair petting it softly beginning to coax the boy awake. Part of Ashton wanted to let the younger rest a bit more but he knew they'd get an earful from Tomlinson if they didn't make it down to breakfast at the stipulated time. Ashton weaved his fingers into the other's dark strands envious that Calum's bed head was no where near as tangly as his (though his blonde highlights did feel a bit dry). He gently massaged his boyfriend's scalp, bringing his head lower so that his lips rested again the younger's forehead fully tucking Calum into his chest.

"Cal..." Ashton whispered into the younger's hair caressing the boy gently, getting a low hum in response telling him that boy wasn't sleeping as deeply as he originally guessed.

"You've gotta get up." Ashton tried again getting another groan in response. The older teen chuckled when Calum pushed himself further against him, tangling their legs together. "I've gotta get up too."

Calum tightened his hold around Ashton's middle, endeared by the boy's amused giggle in response. For a moment he pondered if the throwing away months work for nationals was worth it to just spend the whole day wrapped up in his boyfriend's arms. Of course he knew that Ashton wouldn't allowing that to happen, but he could dream. Ashton moved his legs away only for the younger to hook them back together again with a huff.

"Calum." The dark haired teen could tell he was being scolded and finally opened his eyes, meeting hazel eyes, taking in the different flecks of warmth that ran through his boyfriend's irises and the subtle flush that came to Ashton's cheeks under his stare.

"It's a competition day." The older reminded not seeming to be irritated despite his tone. Calum appreciated the older's patience with him. If his sister was the one waking him up she probably would of hit him by now.

"I know," Calum whined still not wanting to get up, "but staying here would be nicer."

Ashton chuckled, now playing with the blonde strands that ran through the younger's hair.

"You know, if I knew this is what you were actually like I don't think I would been scared to get to you..." Ashton thought back remembering seeing the boy around school, "You just seemed like you would be-"

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