Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Ashton groaned at the sound of his notification tone going off. Rolling over, the boy pulled a pillow over his head to block out the insistent chime coming from the device. He knew he had at least five more minutes until his alarm went off, but because someone thought it was necessary to send him ten messages back to back he would be able to fully enjoy them as he did on other morning. Three more messages rolled in and he couldn't take it anymore, finally he tossing his pillow aside, realising that whoever was messaging him wouldn't stop until he answered them.

He felt around for his phone amongst his sheets, groaning when the device impossible to find in his half awake state. Eventually he fished his phone out from the sheets, squinting at the notifications that filled the screen, the text blurry without his glasses. Feeling around for his glasses on his bedside table, he entered the pass-code by muscle memory trying his best to make out the stack of messages filling the chat window. Adjusting his glass Ashton's eyes widened as they flicked back and forth to read the string of messages, catching the gist of the boy's morning planing by the time he made up to the last few text bubbles on left side of his screen.

Ashton threw his sheets aside, shooting out of bed at speed that he only accomplished on the track. He froze after he burst out his room, four pair of eyes staring at him, all of them filled with amusement- especially the brown eyes of the person he would least expect to be sitting at his family's dining table.

Now Ashton wasn't quite sure what he wanted to say. Part of him had hoped that Calum's rambles about wanting to pick him up for school and getting invited in for breakfast with his family had just been a prank. Although there would be never ending teasing for his unforeseeable future, the boy couldn't deny how much he liked watching Calum interact with his family. It meant a lot to him that his boyfriend got along with people that meant so much to him.

His family all smirked as he crossed the living to join them, deciding to store his 'what the hell are you doing here' outburst for another time. He slipped into the free chair beside Calum, ignoring the snickers from his siblings when he greeted the boy with a small smile. Calum sat comfortably at the table, returning to the conversation he was engaged in with his younger siblings before his entrance.

The younger was in his uniform, Ashton spotting his suede school shoes neatly placed together at the door. Calum stuck out, being the only person not still in their pyjamas. Well, except his mother who was still in her uniform from working the night shift; the woman going to crash after she made sure everyone got to school on time.

Ashton looked down at his own pyjamas, suddenly disgusted at his choice of sleepwear, especially now that Calum had to see to. Of course, he didn't go to sleep with the boy in mind when he pulled the worn out, slightly stretched out and somewhat holey t-shirt and bleach stained grey shorts last night. Now he reasoned that maybe he should get rid of them, fiddling with the hem of his shirt to hide one of the many stains the garment had acquired over the years. Glancing over at Calum he admired the younger's hair, wondered what he used to get each strand to glisten even in low light. He ran his fingers through his own hair, hissing when then got caught in a tangle.

His cheeks reddened when Calum's gaze veered over to him at the sound. Ashton wanted to sink into the floorboards, anything to escape Calum having to see his bedhead. Almost as if he had read his mind the younger reached over to tug lightly on one of his frizzy curls teasing, finally laughing when Ashton squatted his hand away with a glare.

The sound of someone clearing their throat popped thenir little bubble, his siblings giggles coming soon after. Ashton looked up when his mother placed his plate in front of him, thanking her and ignoring the cheeky smiles and winks sent his way when she ushered the younger kids away.

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