Chapter Three.

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"So the poem 'Dulce et Decorum est', what do you understand about it?" Mr. Horan moved from behind the desk with the school issued poetry book in hand.

Calum had comfortably position his head on the desk enjoying what would his fifteenth minute of napping. Something about his teacher's Irish charm always sent him to sleep.

"Mr. Hood." The teacher approached the boy, drumming his fingers on the desk of his student, successfully directing the class' attention to the sleeping student. "Well I guess we have an example of physical resistance..." Mr. Horan chuckled flicking the students ear successfully getting the boy to stir.

Calum held his head up groggily wondering why everyone was laughing at him. Luke chuckled from his desk at the boy's confusion and discomfort. Then the bell rung signalling the ending of that class.

"I expect a four hundred and fifty word or more essay comparing this essay to the poem we did last week. Hand it in a week." He glanced at Calum, "You too Mr. Hood. Maybe you could ask Mr. Hemmings for help, he is your friend right?"

Calum's eyes ran coldly over Luke's body as the boy turned at the mention of his name.

"Teammate," Calum corrected, "Not friend."

The dark haired boy walked towards the door. Why did Luke have to so perfect to everyone? All the teachers in the classes they shared thought he was better than him, hell most people preferred Luke to him when it came to track and field. Coach Tomlinson, one of the coldest men he knew, even showed blatant favouritism to Luke. He was just an ordinary teenager not and angel....

Calum trailed off as Ashton walked by laughing with his friends, glancing Calum's way before fixing his curls before he continued walking along.

Luke was talking to Riley not looking where he was going bumping into Calum pulling from watching Ashton's ass in his trousers.

"Watch where you're going Hemmings!" Calum snapped turning around to glare at the boy.

"Maybe if you weren't blocking the fucking door..." Luke's eyes narrowed watching Calum flip him off before going to his next class.

Riley looked between Calum and Luke shrugging. She didn't understand males. After getting directions from Riley to his science class, Luke entered the room seeing Michael sit behind one of the lab benches, quietly fiddling his thumbs waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"Does anyone sit here?"

Michael shook his head moving his stool around a little so that Luke's legs could get to under the bench.

The teacher walked in the room and Luke was instantly lost. Science was not his strongest area, he could pass but it usually took a lot more studying than he had to do for other subjects.

"Michael?" He nudged the boy that was working beside him gaining his attention. "Do you understand any of this?"

Michael giggled pushing his book across so that Luke could see as he was explaining the notes that they had written so far. Of course as the boy finished Luke had no idea of what had happen or how he was supposed to do the exercise that was handed out.

One thing he did know Michael was beautiful. The way he would be so engrossed in his explanations, the way his short fingers moved across the page so that Luke could follow and equation, the way they moved his fringe and his fruit scented highlighters that made his notes extra colourful. Michael was unique. Michael was beautiful.

As bell rung for the ending of class, Luke managed to scribble down a few answers before he left handing it in to his teacher.

Luke felt bubbly on the inside the feeling you get when you absolutely whipped, just straight up infatuated with someone. And Luke didn't mind that he was head over heels for Michael.

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