Chapter 7

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(Rachel's P.O.V)

I took out my house key and let myself in the house.

"Mom I'm home!" I yelled. No answer. She was probably late from work.

"Liam!?" No answer. Probably at a party or something.

"Dad?" No answer. Still at work? Great. Home alone wonderful. No dinner till mom gets back.

(Harry's P.O.V)

"You ready?" JC asked. I nodded. I looked at the house I was about to rob. Big. Really big. It was almost a mansion. I got out I the car and went to the door and JC drove of. The door was locked of course. I looked for a spare key under the mat and inside the mailbox. Nothing. I took out my pocket knife and fidgeted with the lock. I went inside and locked the door. Wow! This hose was huge. No wonder JC wanted me to get in here.

I heard someone knocking out the window. I looked and saw Danny. I opened the window and let him in.

"You scared the living crap out of me man!" I told him.

"Sorry, bro. Lets split up."

We both went upstairs and into two separate hallways. I looked in just about every room to see if there was anything worth money. I found glass flower vase, some jewelry, a wallet with about one hundred bucks, and a watch. I was just about to take a Simons ring when I heard someone from downstairs.

"Mom, I'm home!" The voice said. My heart almost stopped.

"Liam!?" The voice said again, "dad!?" I cursed. I reached into my bag, grabbed my mask and put it over my face. Then I left the room looking for Danny.

(Rachel's P.O.V)

All of a sudden I heard a loud thump from upstairs. What the heck? I slowly got up from the chair I was sitting at while munching on an apple. Another thump. My heart started beating fast. What was going on. I neared toward the staircase. I stopped walking when I was about 3 feet from the stairs to see if another thump would be heard. I waited some more and then I heard a creak from the stairs. Something or someone was in my house. My knees became week and my heart was beating faster and faster. Before I knew what was napping two men came bounding down the stairs and one of them grabbed me and covered my mouth with a rag.

"Don't make a sound. Big deep breaths," he whispered in my ear. I tried to struggle away but his grip on me was strong. I gasped for air because the rag was covering my nose as well as my mouth. My eyes dropped and my knees gave out and I feel to the floor.

(Harry's P.O.V)

Danny grabbed the girl from behind and covered her nose and mouth with the rag.

"Don't make a sound. Big deep breaths" he told her. After a couple of minutes she was fully drugged and on the floor. She looked familiar. I knew the face. Her brown hair we sea green eyes. The school! She was the girl if pumped into from the school. How could a girl be so beautiful? I just looked at her until Danny pulled me away.

"Harry! Aren't you listening to me? We need to get outta here!" He said.

We ran out if the house without a sound.

(Rachel's P.O.V)

My head was pounding. I felt like a hammer was just dropped on my head. What the heck happened? Why was I on the floor? Then it all came back to me. Those guys. They were in my house. I had...I had just been robbed. I held my head trying to get the pounding to stop. Just then someone walked in the door.

"Rachel?" It was dad. He jogged over to me.

"Rachel, honey, what happened?" He asked.

"Umm...two guys. They were...they robbed us," I tried to explain. They must have put something on that rag cause I couldn't even speak right. Just then Liam walked through the door.

"What's going on?" He walked over to us.

"I'm not sure," dad said, "according to Rachel we just got robbed,"


I just realized Liam is turning 20 in exactly a month!! 😊😭 my boys are growing up!

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