Chapter 4: The Breakup

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HEY GUYS!! Just to let you know, I have nothing against Marzia. Cutiepie is by far my favorite and I am a great supporter. Hope u enjoy this chapter!!! :3

And hour later and it hit 12:00 A.M. "Finally!" Felix said. "FRIDAYS WITH PEWDIEPIEEEEEEEEE!!!" I'd expected an applause from Mark but he was passed out on couch in the other room."Is he drunk?" Felix asked. "No," I answered giggling. "He's just tired." He nodded in understanding and walked over to the living room couch. He flopped on the sofa and played there...thinking. in just a few seconds he started to cry. Woah. I've haven't seen him cry since the ending of the walking dead video game.

I rushed over to him and sat down next to him. He leaned his head in my shoulder as he started to sob.

"What's wrong?!" I asked worried even though I probably knew the answer.

He didn't answer he just kept crying. Then I decided to ask the big question.

"Is it Marzia?"

He cried even louder. I'm surprised Mark hasn't waken up yet.

"I was just coming home from a vlog at the mall and I saw her in bed sleeping. I was fine until I saw some random guy in there with her." His face was red with anger but I wrapped my arms around him to comfort the poor Pewdiepie.

"I didn't know what to JAVLA do."

When Felix speaks his native tounge, that's how you know he's upset.

"It's okay, I'm here." I said hugging him. "Maybe you could go make us some ice cream so we can drown our sorrows."

"Bad idea." He answered his voice still shaking.

"Fine, I'll make the ice cream and you can drown your sorrows."

He gave a childish smile.

"Great idea. You're smarter than I thought."

We just smiled and laughed. We sat next to each other telling stories about how awkward our first kiss was.

"You slammed into his face??!?!" Felix snorted. He held his stomach as he cracked up. He did his laugh that I was always familiar. He'd laugh then breath in for air than laugh again.
The cycle would go on and on. The only thing Felix didn't know is that none of these stories happened. My first kiss was with Mark. But I didn't dare say that to Felix. He was too heartbroken but I made him laugh to forget about Marzia and all that stupid stuff.

I layed on the couch with Felix next to me. We were both tired from laughing so we lied on the couch lazily. It was so quiet, we could hear the beautiful snoring of Mark. Felix chuckled softly notifying me he's still awake.

I tried to stay awake but my eyes glued shut, Making me drift off to sleep......

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