Chapter 17: The Funeral

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Mark and I was there.
Sean flew in from Ireland.
J-Fred and Amanda walked in together.
Everyone was there.
All of the people he did challenges with.
All of the people he did skits with.
I'll miss all of those. I miss him.

Every five seconds I was about to cry. But the comforting hug from Mark regained my strengths.

The sky was a dark, dark gray. It reminded me of those movies I watched with Matt as a little kid. "We will live forever!" He yelled at the top of his lungs when the zombies breached from the graveyards on the silver screen. He loved those movies. He loved the apocalypse.

I hated the look of black clothing. I hated everything that was...


"Fuck, Dark!" I mumbled under my breath. "If it wasn't for him..." I sniffed in holding back tears. "If it wasn't for him, Matt would...he would be here with us!" I looked up at marks sad eyes. "I miss him!" I squeaked out. I wrapped my arms around Mark's muscular body. I squeezed as hard as I could. "Mark, I miss him so much!!" I said a little louder. "I know," he said calmly. He ran his fingers through my (h/c) hair, soothing my stress. "Mark," I asked quietly. "Hm?" He asked trying not to cry as well. "What are we gonna do? How are we gonna tell the fans!? HOW ARE WE GONNA-" "shhh..." He said quietly putting his index finger on my lips. "We'll do the same thing we did for...Daniel." When he spoke of his name, Mark looked up at the sky. "God, I hate this feeling." He said. "Me too." I agreed. The next few minutes were silent. We watched as they brought in a casket with flowers on top.


We stood there as they planted the first scoop of dirt on top of the coffin. I saw Sean in the corner of my eye. A tear streamed down his face. Without hesitation, I grabbed his hand. He looked at me, his face sadly surprised. I nodded in assurance. "It's gonna be okay." I whispered. He weakly smiled as we looked back at the coffin. "Amazing Grace" was playing in the background as the last scoop of dirt was thrown in the ground. Mark and I met up with Sean, Amanda, and J-Fred.

"So...what are we gonna do now." J-Fred asked, looking so hurt and lost inside.

Amanda's eyes were red from hot tears. I won't blame her. She was in love with Matthew.

We decided to just stay at Mark's house and found a way to tell all of the fans.

We sat there on the couch. No words came from each other's mouth.

Not until I spoke up.

"I'll post on should be settled after that." I said quietly.

I glanced over at Sean, his green hair over his eyes. "He didn't deserve this." He growled.
"Sean," I scolded weakly. He obviously didn't get the memo because he stood up on protest. "He didn't deserve any of this!" He shouted. Sean was usually loud, but I never heard him break this limit. "Matt should be here right now! Enjoying a good laugh with his friends! Not dead laying in a pile of worms and shit!!" I stood up from the couch and grabbed ahold of Sean's arm. "Sean, stop it!" I snapped. "Yeah, you're right he didn't deserve this! But what he does deserve is a loyal and unselfish friend! And you're not being that right now!" Sean's angry eyes intensified as he whipped his arms out of my grip. "We need Matt back!!" He stated.

"And how the hell are we gonna do that?! Huh?!" Mark chimed in. "Sean, listen to yourself! Get yourself relaxed before you go whacko!"

Sean looked around the room. The staring friends he had since he had at least started YouTube looked at him emotionless. His shoulders loosened as he walked back over to the couch.  "I'm sorry." He mumbled with his head hanging low in embarrassment.

J-Fred and Amanda went back home but Sean was here for another day or so from his plane tickets. "(Y/n)?" He asked. I looked at him too tired to answer. We've been at Mark's house for hours and all we did was just sit there. "Do you think...Felix knows about this?"
Oh God! I forgot about Felix. It's been a while since I've seen him. I looked at Sean "I gotta go!" I said grabbing my car keys. My car was thankfully in Marks driveway already. "Wait where are you goin?" Sean asked, his accent still clinging to his vocal chords. "I'm gonna find Felix!" And with that I took my keys, put them in the car and whipped out of the driveway determined to sent things straight between Felix and I.

I'm really sorry for the super long chapter. I just felt like I kept holding you guys up from this story. And I write anything in this Column that makes no's because it 1:31 AM right now.

Well I'll see you guys in the next chapter! BUH-BYYYYYEEE!!


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