Tears -

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That Sunday while my grandparents attended mass, I attended the Stockholm ward for the first time. I had called the night before and asked for directions. My grandparents agreed to let me use their car because their own church was within walking distance. I thoroughly enjoyed driving the little red Peugeot through the city, easily maneuvering it through the erratic European traffic. I especially appreciated the fact that, just as in America, the Swedes drove on the right side of the road.
Despite a couple of wrong turns, I made it to sacrament meeting on time and I was pleased with myself for the accomplishment.
The members were warm and friendly, and many of them spoke a little English. I was made to feel very welcome. Thankfully, English translation was available for sacrament meeting and I was able to enjoy it more. So far I had only learned a few words in Swedish, but I was determined to learn how to communicate well within the next couple of months.
Despite feeling like I was coming down with something, I thoroughly enjoyed the meetings and looked forward to getting to know the members. I did, however, find myself looking for Sergei's face in the crowd. Then I remembered that he'd left a message with my grandparents the day before, informing me that he would be out of town for the weekend. He wouldn't be back until Monday night. He said he would leave the key for me under the mat in front of the back patio door.
I hated the part of me that felt slightly disappointed he wouldn't be there, and I tried to convince myself that it didn't matter. It wasn't supposed to matter because Sergei was my employer and nothing more. I wanted nothing more.
But that night as I sunk beneath the fluffy down comforter, my final thoughts were on Sergei and his absence. Again, I felt disappointed, but I figured at least there would be no distractions.

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