Tears -

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Never in my life had I ever dreamed I could be so happy, and never had I felt so loved. Sergei made every moment we spent together count and we never tired of being together.
Our days were filled with warm conversation, fun, laughter, and loving, always loving. Sergei was very spontaneous. We would be sitting quietly reading in the library one moment, then he was chasing me through the house, trying to tickle me the next.
I could be in the kitchen cooking dinner and he'd put on some music and suddenly pull me into his arms to dance. Or I'd be out on the back patio where he was lounging and accidentally squirt him with the hose while watering the flowers. He would chase me around the house. When he caught me, he would laugh, pick me up and sling me over his shoulder, then carry me upstairs and toss me onto our bed. And there we would stay.
Not a day passed that he didn't make me laugh or smile, and I tried to do the same for him. He had become my whole life and what I felt when I was with him could not be put into words. He made me whole. He gave my life meaning, and I knew I would never be able to survive without his love. Because he had become a part of me. His essence filled me, sustained me. And I knew it always would. I was truly happy. Sergei was my happiness.
 * * *
I was paralyzed with fear as Ross cornered me in the dimly lit room. I tried to escape his grip, but his fingers were like a steel vice closing around my wrists.
“Please, Ross,” I begged. “Please let me go.”
Ross smiled and yanked me forward, kissing me forcefully. I tried to pull away, but he was too strong. Repulsed more by the second, I bit his lip. He yelled and pulled back, and I could see the blood on his mouth, taste it on my own lips.
“You're going to pay for that,” he said, coldly. “You're going to pay, then I am going to have what's mine.”
He released one of my arms and hit me. I again tried to pull away, but he was too strong.
“Sergei!” I yelled. “Sergei, help me!”
Ross laughed. “Call him all you want. He can't hear you.”
Suddenly Ross moved aside and pointed to the corner. My eyes moved to the object lying there and I froze. “Nooo!” I screamed as my gaze fell on Sergei's lifeless body, blood covering his chest. “No! No! No!”
“It is all right,” Sergei's voice softly said as I jerked awake. “It is all right.” He pulled me into his arms and I clung to him, not able to hold back the sobs. “Shhh,” he whispered against my brow. “Everything is all right. It was just a bad dream.”
To me it had been completely real. “Please don't let him find us!” I said with a hiccup. My whole body was shaking. “Don't let him find us! He'll try to kill you!”
Sergei held on to me tightly and I buried my face against his chest. “I promise, baby, no one will hurt you, or me.”
“Oh, Serioque, I would die if anything happened to you,” I sobbed and hiccuped again. “I would just die.”
“Shhh,” he whispered, pressing his mouth to mine. “We will be fine. You are mine, and no one will ever hurt you.” He scattered kisses over my face and neck and continued to whisper  passionately, You are mine, only mine.” Pressing his lips against my ear, he began to softly croon in Russian. Then his mouth quickly took mine again.
The power of Sergei's kiss slowly calmed my fears, replacing them with an aching need for him. I felt his tears fall onto my face as he took my pain into himself. He continued to whisper emotionally in his native tongue as his kisses fell like a warm rain against my skin. All at once, I became completely lost in his love, and all that existed was the fire between us. My every sense was consumed with my burning need for him. I was oblivious to everything but his touch, his kiss, and his warmth. Whenever he loved me, everything else went away, and I was safe, safe in the harbor of his love.
Long after the passion had subsided into a quiet calm, Sergei held me close. I lay awake, relishing the warmth of his embrace, knowing sleep would not come for a while.
“Talk to me, dushenka,” Sergei said softly. “Tell me about your dream.”
I shook my head, burying my face against his chest as tears again began to burn my eyes. “I can't.”
He pressed his lips into my hair and sighed. “I hate him for hurting you,” he growled, his voice full of pain and anger. “I know I should not, but I hate him.” He released me and reached over to turn on the light. I was startled to see the hard look in his tear-filled eyes. He looked down at me, pressing a hand to my face. Then his expression softened. “He will not come here, Heaven.”
“I wish I could believe that,” I said.
Sergei leaned down touched his forehead to mine. “I promised you I would never let anyone hurt you. I meant that.”
I touched his face. “I know.”
“God is with us, dushenka.” He raised up a little to look into my eyes. “We will be all right.”
I nodded, wanting with all my heart to believe him.
“Are you going to be okay?” he asked.
I again nodded. He kissed me once more, letting his lips linger on mine for a moment before turning out the light. He wrapped me in his arms and I clung to him. “I love you so much, Sergei.”
“I love you, too,” he said softly and kissed my brow. “Everything will be all right.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
I closed my eyes, snuggled deeper into the warmth of his embrace, and sighed, silently praying he was right.

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