Tears -

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It took several lengthy kisses on my grandparents' doorstep before Sergei could finally say goodbye to me, but even after saying goodbye, we couldn't bring ourselves to part, and we were soon back in each other's arms. I talked him into staying for a while, which didn't require much effort. We sat on the living room sofa holding one another and talked a little longer.
We were excited about sharing our news with my grandparents and his family. I knew how much Grandma and Grandpa wanted this for me, and until the moment Sergei and I revealed our feelings for each other, I hadn't realized how much I had truly wanted this. I didn't think I would ever be worthy of such a blessing.
“Do you think Karl and Felicity will approve of me marrying their granddaughter?” Sergei asked, grinning.
I laughed at his playful expression. “I think you won their approval the moment you hired me, or better yet, the moment you walked into the bakery.”
“Hmmm. I wondered why they always gave me twice as many pastries as I ordered.”
“You see?” I said, smiling widely. “They had it all planned. They were working on us both.”
“And I will forever be grateful to them for that.”
Sergei and I began to talk about the changes that would come into our lives and speculated over our future. After a while there were no more words, only the sound of my heart beating in time with his.
I leaned my head back a little and looked up at him, pressing a hand softly to his face. “You have totally changed my life, Seriozha. You've given me everything.”
He touched my face, then caressed my lips. “You have made my life worth living.” He lowered his head and whispered, “You are everything to me.” Then his mouth took mine in a sublimely heated kiss that left no room for doubt.
“We will have a wonderful life,” he said, releasing my lips, his voice raspy. “And I will do everything in my power to make you happy.”
Burying my fingers in his soft, tousled hair, I said, “You have already made me happier than you could ever know.” Then I pulled his head down and experienced the power of his kiss once more, and I knew the boundless love that burned in my heart for him would forever light my way.
 * * *
After Sergei and I finally parted and I went to my room, I noticed a brown envelope on the foot of the bed. It was from Shirley. Smiling with anticipation, I quickly changed into my pajamas, said my prayers, and sat on the bed. I excitedly opened the envelope to find another envelope inside with a note attached written in Shirley's handwriting.

Your friend from the apartment complex dropped by some paper you left behind. She said her name was Gwen. I told her I would forward them to you.

I stared at the sealed envelope for a moment. I didn't know anyone by that name, and though I didn't know every tenant in the complex, deep inside I felt sure there was no Gwen living there.
My heart lurched in a way it hadn't since leaving Tennessee. Taking a deep breath, I opened the envelope and pulled out a set of papers.  Except for the top sheet, they were all blank. Ross' handwriting stood out from the page. I closed my eyes and moaned harshly. He had probably paid the person to drop the letter off at John and Shirley's. Either that, or he used his looks and what little charms he still possessed to persuade some unsuspecting bimbo to impersonate this fictitious person. I wouldn't put anything past Ross. My hands were shaking as I began to read the letter.
In the letter he accused me of leaving him for no reason and said he knew there was another man. He called me ungrateful and worthless among other things. I wiped the tears streaking my face as I read the last part of the letter.
We were so good together, Heaven, but you threw it all away. I gave you everything and tried to be the best man I could be for you, but nothing was ever enough. I was never good enough. Why couldn't you see that we belonged together? We belong together still.
You are mine, Heaven. I own you and always will. You hurt me bad, honey, and one day you are going to pay for leaving me. It's only a matter of time before you come back. And when you do, I will be waiting.
I squeezed my eyes shut and moaned again. This man is insane!
Still trembling, I ripped up the letter and tossed the pieces into the wastepaper basket by the table. I dried my tears and took a deep breath to calm myself.
I'm here and he's there. I'm safe and everything will be okay. I held my hands out in front of me and tried to stop them from shaking, telling myself to get a grip.
I won't let him do this to me. I'm moving on.
I finally slipped into bed and turned out the light. Closing my eyes, Ross' face appeared before me and his voice rang in my ears. I turned the lamp back on and his face faded.
I said a silent prayer that everything would indeed be all right. And I left the light on.

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