Chapter One

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"Are you attending Finn's party?"

I spun around to face my best friend, and greeted her with a confused smile. "Finn?" I asked and Eleanor rolled her eyes. "Yeah." she snickered. "Finn Harries."

Finn Harries was highly popular at Lloyd High, along with his brother, Jack. The two twins dominate the school. They aren't the stereotypical bullies or jocks that insult the geeks or anything. They were friendly. I've seen, myself, on how they greet everyone when they are on their way to class. I remember when Jack shot me a beautiful smile and Finn asking how I was. A lot of people thought they were being sarcastic, but the two were being very nice. They'd walk around with indulging smiles and purity-filled eyes. And for all I knew, they weren't players, either. Students think it's because the boys have already found their mates with the same inks on skin; nevertheless, girls continue swooning over them. Then again, I have seen Jack working at the city, in a sports shop. What was it called again?

I frowned. "Why will I go to their party?" My stubborn side took over as I continued to elbow my way through the hallways of the school. "There'll be alcohol and loud music and illegal devices; I'd rather much stay home, thanks."

The music is always loud, as they live a block away from me and I can hear clearly. Sometimes I wouldn't be able to get my beauty sleep because deadmau5 or Avicii or Tiesto is pumped to the fullest and he cries of intoxicated teenagers hoping to get lucky.

"Besides," I said calmly,"I'm most definitely not invited." I was about to question Eleanor in why she had asked such a question if we're never invited, but she bet me to it, saying, "Oh contrare!" Eleanor grinned, catching sight with a few students. "All year twelves are welcome!" I quote; as we get there, you'd see it wouldn't be as bad and naughty as you think. There's ,like, only a hundred students and the Harries live in a mansion. What?" Her expression grew awkward and smug, "You really think their parents actually allow them to have parties every week? You're dumber than I thought.

"They have no parents; in this country; anyway. They live alone, Evelyn." El finished her rant, and I sighed. She will never give up. "So," she cooed, and I cringed, as if expecting what was to tumble out of her heart-shaped lips. "you going?"

I shrugged, mainly because I didn't know and couldn't be bothered talking. But then, I realized she would pick me up on the day of this 'party,' so I told her, "I don't want to go to the party." I would rather much stay home and read or sketch the glooming towers that loomed over the city impressively than dance in a thick party of idiots.

"Why not?" A terrifyingly familiar voice said from behind me, and I froze. Eleanor whirled around, and by the expression of her face, I knew who it was. She gave a weak smile to Finn and shuffled closer to me. "Finn, can you tell my friend here that your party will be awesome?"

Eleanor's face was tight with slightly crimson-cheeks and I knew it took all her will and confidence to speak up to Finn Harries much so say something as if she'd known him for a while.

Finn shot my a toothy smile and I tensed up. "Yeah, Evelyn. The party will be fun, and it won't be too full and crazy as you'd think," he winked and I bit my lip, wondering how he knew my name. "I promise you, no alcohol or drugs or guns. You're safe with my words."

My mouth fell agape as I tried to blurt something, anything, my mind processing what I was to say next. "Um," I looked over at Eleanor for help, but she was mesmerized by Finn's sparkly eyes. Oh. "I'll see if my parents let me." 

As if I hadn't said anything, Finn slowly backed away, ready to walk off. "See you tomorrow!" Finn chirped happily and he spun on a heel to walk away. I turned my neck to see Eleanor's shoulders slumped and eyes dilated in sadness. I gave her a questioning look, and though she wasn't looking at me, she shook her head sadly. "His tattoo is a music note," she whispered, and I resisted the urge to snort. "Mine's the Ying Yang."

Eleanor and I haven't found our 'mates' yet. She had done some crazy thing like go all the way to Australia or attend parties at school just to find the man with the Ying Yang symbol. I remained alone with the infinity sign, and though I was kinda happy that I liked the symbol, I was worried; worried the man I find wouldn't like me or was a killer or a jerk or whatever.

I didn't worry as much as Eleanor, though.

I huffed before walking in the opposite direction Finn went to, towards my History class. Eleanor glared at me, "You are coming to this damn party or I won't ever talk to you ever again." I snorted, opening the door to my class room. As usual, it was empty, students remaining in the corridor whilst conversing with their friends.

"I'd be going with a handbag and leaving in a rapist's arms, so you need to accompany me!" Eleanor shrieked as I groaned. "You wouldn't want your friend getting kidnapped, would you?" I shook my head, a helpless gesture.

"We are going to this party whether you like it or not."

"Eleanor," I groaned and she stared at me blankly.

"Evelyn, it's not those big ass parties you're thinking about, I swear," she muttered and poked my shoulder. "Yeah, there's guys, maybe a few people will sneak in a bottle of alcohol or two-- doesn't mean you have to fucking drink."

"Don't swear," I grimaced.

"You always leave me, it's not even fair anymore." Her tone was dropping and I knew she was being serious.

"I'll go to prom, that's a party."

"Didn't I tell you to stop bringing that up?" She flicked her hair over her face. "I won't speak until you at least agree to come for one hour. Just one friggen hour."

"One hour's too long." She didn't glance at me."Eleanor." I poked her back but she turned around. "Jesus, if you're that into a stupid party, okay?"

She turned to me slowly, eyes wild. "Are you serious?"

"One hour, El."

She sighed, relieved. "Oh, my God, thank goodness. All you do is stick your nose in books anyway, you nerd. And study."

"I was grounded!"



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