Chapter Forty

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Lana Del Ray, Born To Die


I stared wide-eyed at my soulmate, standing right in front of me. Questions swarmed my head and I felt lightheaded. My mouth was open but nothing was coming out.

"It's been a while, right?" He grinned, those dimples I had grown to love popping in his cheeks.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't  say anything. Hi? What do you want? Are you here for me?

 I decided to go with the last option. I'm pretty sure he'll understand are you here for me basically means are you going to kidnap me?

When I asked him with a quivering voice--prepared to slam the door on his face--, he laughed and shook his head.

"You?"  I felt my heart ache in a somewhat rejected way. "Why will I be here for you?" He raised his chin in the air challengingly, watching me curiously.

I frowned. "You're not going to k-kidnap me?"

"God, no." his voice sounded disgusted. I felt angry at myself for being hurt  at his choice of words.

"Well, what do you want?" I snapped, seeing red. What an amazing conversation to have--after getting kidnapped, finally escaping and ending up face to face--with your kidnapper.

Harry looked behind me when the sound of footsteps echoed from upstairs, and grinned. I felt my heart hammer in my chest even after seeing Harry Styles.

"Nuh-uh." I shook my head when he tried to come inside and stretched my arm to the door frame, covering Harry's entrance. He looked down at me and smirked cockily. "You're not coming in this house! There are cameras--" I had forgotten about the cameras. Keeping my hand on the door frame, I twisted myself to look up at the outside camera. It was shattered into pieces, glass shards on the ground. I gaped at the hidden one in the bushes and turned to the taller boy. "What are you doing?!"

"Keeping my identity hidden," he shrugged nonchalantly, taking another step forward. I did, too, closer to him, and glared.

Harry rolled his eyes and peered down at me.

"Why are you here exactly?" I narrowed my eyebrows. When Harry didn't answer, I crossed my arms over my chest. "I've got all day, Harry."

He took a challenging stride toward me, the last step, and made contact with our chests.

"I'm here to study with a lovely lady." A lop sided grin etched over his face. I struggled to breathe, slowly inhaling, but it felt stuffy around me. "Also known as Holly. Now, move."

My eyes widened. "Excuse me?"

"Oh, pardon me." He cleared his throat. "May I please come in?"

"Tyler?" Holly appeared above the stairs. Harry looked over my shoulder and over at Holly, and he smiled happily. It looked like a true, genuine smile. Making me clench my fists.

You dickhead.

Holly wore a summer dress over herself, I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Now it's Tyler?"  I hissed at Harry, who simply ignored me and pushed past. I gaped outside as I heard them embracing each other.

He was my  mate! Mine !

I spun around so quickly I thought I might've fell. My chest rose and fell quickly as I tried to regain my breath.

"You hungry?" Holly asked, looking at Harry. The two of them walked upstairs and into Holly's room.

What. The. Fuck.

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