Chapter Twenty Two

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I leaned over Harry's unconscious body and literally ripped the car key out of the socket, pulling the lever as hard as I could. The car screeched to a halt in the middle of a dead, cold road.

My heart was beating so loud that if Harry were awake he would've heard it. I could hear the pulse in my ears as I froze.

What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? Just do something, Evelyn Bale, if you don't, he will die from blood loss! He was already extremely pale.

I breathed slowly to calm my heartbeat down and pushed Harry's chair back so he was lying down. My knee was in between his legs as I leaned down onto his cold body. It was there. His heartbeat, quiet and slow.

"I don't know what I'm doing." I admitted, and felt through Harry's pockets. I pulled out the first thing there was, which happened to be a phone. Quickly opening it, I realized it was locked.

"Oh, fuck." I cursed under my breath. Why would he lock his damn phone? Then again, why wouldn't he? I felt through his pockets and pulled out a small, deadly blade.

Shaking my head, I felt tears brimming my eyes, blurring my vision. I blinked hard to wash them away, but one slipped down my cheek. I was extremely paranoid, and even though I was wasting time, I leaned down once again and pressed my ear against his chest. I was definitely hearing things due to paranoia, but it sounded as if Harry's heartbeat slowed down.

Suddenly, I felt a mental image come in mind. A moment. A memory.

"Did you hear?" My mum asked as she placed another plate of pancakes on the breakfast table. My dad looked up to her with a frown on his wrinkly face, "Hear what?" he asked, sipping tea. My mum noticed I was standing in the kitchen, making my lunch for school, so she lowered her voice and jerked her head outside. "Harry Styles has been through the city." she hissed under her breath, but I heard it loud and clear and almost choked on my water. "Seventeen people were killed in the country just last night." my mother pushed her thin glasses up her nose so it wasn't perched on the tip. My father listened intently with parted lips. "And he left without a trace." Damn he's good, I thought but didn't dare say that to my parents. They'd kill me. "Curse him." my father spat. "Why is he doing this? I swear on my son's head if I ever saw him dying in front of me, I wouldn't do anything to help him. In fact, I'd finish him off myself!" My mum glared at him, her blue eyes lingering on me. "Hush Tommy, Evelyn is right behind you." she warned quietly, but my father continued. "I hope they catch that little rebel one day. They don't even know what he looks like! Stupid cops." My dad snorted. "I swear I hope they do more than catch him. That boy deserves death."

The memory flickered and was gone in an instant, leaving a heavy weight on my chest. I swallowed deeply, staring down at the boy lying under me--a girl, a victim he almost killed, raped, tortured...straddling him. A girl who wanted freedom, a girl who was the biggest criminal's doll to play with, clutching a knife in her hand. A girl who could easily kill Harry Styles, the world's most wanted, without being fought back.

Dad will be proud, a small voice said at the back of my mind. You could rid one of the worst things that's happened in life right now. 

I swallowed the lump that seemed to be in my throat, and clenched my jaw. I pursed my lips and frowned my brows, my heart beat growing rapidly in my frail chest.

This is your chance. 

I raised the knife and clutched the hilt so tight that my whole hand turned white in a matter of seconds. I felt a bridge of salty tears cover half of my eyesight and closed my eyes.

He killed so many people.

My throat closed up as I, painfully brought down the knife...

So close. 

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