Chapter Nineteen

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"Evelyn? Evelyn, c'mon!"

My body fell against the bed, thoughts of what was done on it was at the back of my mind, but I wasn't in the mood. I just needed some time away from Harry--years, please-- I hate him so much I'm surprised I'm still alive.

But maybe I don't have to be.

A metallic shiver ran down my spine at the thought of a thick rope wrapped around my neck and my feet planted on a small stool. I shook myself before I thought more of those moments. I'm stressing already by living with one who has committed crimes, I don't want suicidal thoughts to exhaust me any more.

"Babe, babe, baaaaaabe." Harry pressed as his voice got closer, indicating he was coming back to me. I rested my elbows on my knees and hid my face in my hands to stop the sobs.

My life was so terrible. I didn't need Harry in it. My life was possibly perfect before all this crap, with the exception of living in a cruel world. Why did I get that stupid infinity tattoo? Why not someone else? Wait, that sounded cruel. I might not be able to stand up for myself at some times, but I'm still alive and healthy. I cannot imagine someone else in this position. For that I am glad it's me. Maybe I should die? Or kill Harry?

The door creaked open and Harry peaked his head through the crack, the door widening when those piercing green eyes caught mine. He slipped through the door's just as I groaned. "Leave me alone."

Harry ignored my protests and pressed himself close, just to annoy me. "Are you mad?" he asked conversationally whilst watching me for an answer.

"No." I rolled my eyes, turning my head away from him.

"Aw, c'mon Eve!" Harry pouted and I closed my eyes so I don't see that adorable face. Even if Harry killed people and robbed banks and stole things, you can never deny his good looks. "Ugh, can't I spend my time with you for once?" he asked with a hint of serious annoyance.

I laughed loudly, a real laugh. "Go fetch another poor girl, let's see if you kill her, too." I mumbled, sliding away from him.

"Don't be like that." Harry frowned and did what I would have never expected him to do. Harry brought his long arms and slid them behind my back. My eyes widened as he curled a muscular arm over my waist and the other around my shoulders, hugging me to his chest. "I was being serious." he said matter-of-factly. "I have a job there. I'm meeting a guy, so why not?"

"Because I hate you." I answered seriously.

"No you don't, you love me." he said as he tightened his grip around me and my body crushed against his. "Don't you?"

"Please." I said, pressing my hands on the side of his body and shoved. He didn't move so he laced his fingers at my back so it would be harder to leave the hug.

"Fine." Harry said sternly after a minute of thinking. He stood up, letting go of me. I felt naked without his arms around me. "You just love being dominated, don't you?" he glared and ran a hand down his face.

I was just about to ask what he meant when he gripped the area above my elbow and dragged me on my feet, tugging me out of the room. I resisted and turned around but Harry wasn't even thinking of stopping.

"What are you doing!?" I shouted angrily.

"I have no choice than to force you to come with me." Harry said, turning around for a second. That was enough to see the frustration in his eyes. "I mean, yeah, I love to be the one in charge but you're really starting to annoy me. How are you not scared of me?" he asked seriously, tightening his grasp on my arm, enough to hurt me a little.

"Who says that I'm not?" I asked stubbornly and looked away from his eyes. "You're a bloody psychopath!" I spat and dug my heels into the hallway's carpet.

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