Chapter Forty Nine

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Holly hasn't spoken to me since yesterday morning.

Ever since Jackson knew eating cereal was lame and kindly ordered me and my sister pizza, even though it was basically breakfast to me, she hasn't said a word.

When I poured her a cup of juice, separated some pizza for her, asked her if she wanted any more juice, if she was okay, all I received from her was either a nod or a head-shake.

Even this morning, she didn't wake me up for school and my mum barged into my room screaming. And when my mum popped a toast in for me but I decided I had no appetite knowing something was up and offered it to my sister, she grabbed her bag and stalked out of the house and into Jackson's car, riding shotgun because she knew she wouldn't be able to see my face sitting in the front.

Once we arrived at school after Jackson attempted to make conversation,--but was ignored by Holly and received one-word answers from me-- I watched as she stumbled out of the car and down a path into the building, and sighed.

"I don't know what's happening between you two, but you need to pull it together before mum finds out," Jackson said and locked his car once we got out of it. "Or she'll make you wear the get-along jumper."

I huffed. Not my fault she isn't telling me what's wrong.

"Evelyn." My brother glared. "You're gonna apologize, okay?"

I almost grunted. Instead, I said nothing.

"Okay?" His voice hardened. He hated dealing with his younger sisters, I guess.

"Okay, okay, I will." He walked away and met up with a group of guys not too far from me. I haven't moved from my spot, only watched him talk with some boys, until one of them probably felt my stare and turned around to glance at me.

He had dark brown hair and a tall body, watching me with eyes the same color of his hair.

I frowned and stared back at him, until he smirked slightly.

I ignored the boy and swung my backpack over my shoulders, and marched into the school.

There's no way in hell I'm apologizing to Holly when I did nothing wrong. I wasn't in the mood to hear her rant.


At lunch, I spotted Mykela at the cafeteria and hesitated to approach her, in any case she'll forget who I was because she was popular in Lloyd High and I wasn't, but when she saw me she waved me over.

Finn wasn't with her, plus she was sitting next to the people who were whispering behind Finn and I that day. One of them yanked her arm down and hissed something to her but she spoke back and called my name.

The red-haired girl was also there and she glared as I debated whether to go up there or not.

Someone tapped my shoulder and for once I didn't jump. "Hey, Evelyn," Finn greeted me ecstatically.

"Hey, Finn," I smiled and looked back at Mykela. "She's, uh, calling me over." I stood beside him awkwardly. Honestly I didn't want be around those types of people.

"Doubt you'd wanna go there." Finn said, and blinked. "But...if you want to, sure. Another but: I've gotta go to the gym. Wanna come? Mykela wont mind."

I looked at her apologetically and she shrugged, turned and spoke to someone else. "Okay."

Finn led us to the gym. I sat at the top of the bleachers in case someone threw a ball at me and quickly opened up my chemistry notebook and "looked busy".

"Ey, Evelyn," a voice called from the bottom of the bleachers but I ignored it and sketched something barely coherent.

Someone jogged up the stairs by the seats and pulled the book away from my lap. I tightened my grip around my pencil, dropped my hands on my lap exasperatingly and looked up at Luke. "I don't want to play." I said.

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