Chapter Sixty Two

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"Evelyn, wake up."

Something poked into my cheek. I sighed and pushed the source of my awakening with the back of my hand.

"Wake the fuck up, you fuck," Harry said and shook me. "We'll miss our flight."

"Psychopath," I grumbled and pushed myself off of the airport seat. The ceiling was bright but the room was dull and quiet. My neck was aching from falling asleep on a chair.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear that," he said as we approached the eighth gate in line behind a couple. "By that, I meant What the fuck did you just say?"

A built man blocking my view smirked at a woman standing next to him. I heard him mutter Us and she giggled.

"Oh, my God, shut up," I snapped jokingly. "You're worse than my brother." That triggered something but I did my best to ignore it.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want, we've been through this," he told me.

A speaker alarmed the people inside. "Gate eight is now open to-"

"LAAAAAALALALA," Harry shouted and covered my ears, shoving my face into his chest.

"Ugh!" I shoved him off. "What is your problem?" Heads turned to face us angrily.

"I can't let you find out where we're going," he said, "we made it this far with you being oblivious."

People began to look away, but a boy stared too long. Harry grabbed me from around the waist and pulled me to his side, all the while keeping his eyes on the boy who wasn't even looking directly at me and had a girl next to him.

"Jealous," I muttered.

"Not jealousy," he whispered. "Threating."

"Threatening," I corrected.

"You're being cocky." He narrowed his eyes.

I smirked. "Deal with it."

He smirked back, bit his lip, leaned in and seductively whispered, "It's fucking annoying."

"Stop fucking swearing," I said. The line moved up.

"Code," he said.


"Whenever I say code, remember the following words: I can do whatever the fuck I want."

"Have you got your boarding passes?" a woman behind the counter asked us through her smile.

Harry slapped two tickets onto the desk. "No."

I jabbed my elbow into his ribcage and he smiled at the lady. She blushed under her makeup and scanned the tickets.

"Through here, ma'am," she said to me icily, losing all kindness in her voice, and gestured to the doorframe.

"Thank you," I said and followed Harry through the makeshift hallway and outside.

The wind was strong and pushed my hair in all directions, our clothes flapping like the orange flags directing us to the entry of the huge plane. Planes this big were used to leave the country.

"You should be more kind to people," I called over the sounds of the wind. "Especially if they're being kind to you."

"Code," he screamed back.

"And walk slower," I said. "Shorter people have shorter legs and slower paces. I'm not ten feet tall like you."

"If you hadn't realized," he said, ramming the handles of my luggage down and grasped it by its head, "I'm holding your luggage. Appreciate it."

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