Chapter Thirty Two

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"Evelyn?" A feminine voice gasped, and I heard somebody shuffling around beside me...wherever I was.

"She's moving! Nurse!" The voice continued to shriek, bringing a hollow pain in my ears. All I saw was darkness due to my closed eyelids, but at the same time I couldn't open them. I wanted see who it was that spoke in such a familiar voice. I felt ashamed for not knowing, since I felt an annoying feeling that I should know who it was.

A warm hand touched my head and my wrist, feeling my pulse.

"She's coming too." Another female voice whispered beside me. I could hear knocking on something firm as glass, and a couple of whining and shouting coming from wherever it was.

"Holly! Jackson! Stop that, now!" The familiar voice sounded slightly further away, and I also heard somebody crying breathlessly. Holly and Jackson? Hold on.

The sound of heels clicking against the floor sounded, getting closer to me.

"Evelyn?" My body was lying on something soft, nonetheless uncomfortable as hell. I tried to sit up but pain shot up my side, and I whimpered, slumping back down onto a large pillow.

"W-water." I choked out. The immense dryness of my throat was causing me trouble to breathe. The same heels clicked quickly numerous times, and then I felt something being pressed against my bottom lip.

The warm hand from before lightly slid under my back and pushed, placing something else behind me. I painfully brought my hand up to grab the plastic cup--from what I thought it was--to drink whatever it was, but another hand gently pulled it back and tilted my head. Cool liquid ran over my tongue and down my throat slowly, but I grabbed the cup off the person and gulped it down.

"Mum! Open the fucking door!" Somebody screamed, a sound as if fists were banging against glass erupted. Holly?

The also familiarity of a perfume's aroma fanned against my nose, my mind finally realizing who this person was.

"Mum, please!" Holly's small voice shrieked, making my eyes open wide.

Her familiar brown hair came into view through the thickness of a glass window, though it was somewhat messy and unruly, unlike her. Her face seemed paler than usual, exposing slightly dark circles beneath her brown eyes.

My throat burned. My eyes moved to look at the woman standing beside me. Tousled hair sat upon her head, her frail hands shaking slightly, as if she were nervous. Her curious eyes widened when I looked directly into them, and she whimpered in the hand that covered her mouth.

"Evelyn, how do you feel?" A woman in a white dress asked me, peering from above.

"Where am I?" I blurted out, even though I knew, looking around the room.

"Sweetheart, you're at the hospital. But you're okay." The frail woman mumbled, sitting beside me on a chair. I sat up slowly and looked around. White wall, curtains, blankets. White everything. The place was neat and tidy, except for the couch in the far corner, where a heap of pillows and blankets lay.

I blinked, twice, until I regained my eyesight. Everything was dizzy, but I lay back down and rubbed my eyes.

"Do you remember me?" I opened them once more and saw the white dressed lady pressing buttons on a machine beside me, the other woman watching me with watery brown eyes.

I squinted my own, until I realized. "Mum?" I gaped.

She laughed slightly, and pressed her thin lips into a tight line. My mother stood up and embraced me with warm arms, placing her forehead on my shoulder.

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