Chapter Seventy Two

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Every body outside ducked simultaneously at the sound of a gun going off.

I heard a yell, and Harry's car began to move forward.

Harry grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the attacker's headlights. He shoved me in the back seat and followed, slamming the car's door behind us.

"Hit it!" he boomed to Ashton, who was now in the driver's seat, and the car flew forward.

"Shit," Niall cursed and jumped into the seat by me, holding a slender suitcase. He used his thumb to roll the lock into its pass code, then clicked it open revealing two shotguns. "Take one, quick."

Harry reached over me and pulled one out. He grabbed a box-like item--a magazine--and rammed it into an open area at the top of the weapon and clicked a roof onto it. He pulled on an object that made the gun click, then twisted in his seat to get the sunroof--which I hadn't noticed because it was closed--open.

"Wait, wait, wait," Ashton yelled. "Not now! Let me try to turn around!"

"No, I need to gun them down or they'll keep fucking following," Harry said in a loud voice. He rested the gun on the roof of the car and fired a bullet. It hit the other car's left mirror just before one of the attacker's fired a dozen bullets at once. The bullets grazed the right side of the vehicle and hit the back right of the car, breaking a light.

They were aiming to kill Ashton first and stop the car.

"They have bloody machine guns," Niall said and cursed. He hesitated, then turned to climb into the back of the car.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Harry shouted. Another spray of bullets hit the vehicle. The car jumped and groaned, swaying every two seconds. They hit a wheel.

"Time to pull out the big guns," Niall said, and whipped his head at me. "Literally." I would have slapped him right then and there but another round of bullets hit the side of our van as Ashton turned the car to the left slightly, unable to control it well because of the burst tire.

"We're not gonna bloody make it!" Ashton was screaming. He looked really pissed off.

"Stay low, Evelyn," Harry said, sounding surprisingly calm as he fired his weapon at the other vehicle, veins protruding beneath his skin, bicep flexing. Niall was still busy trying to get the bigger weapons from wherever the hell they kept them.

I peeked over the seat and caught Niall lifting up the bottom of the trunk, revealing neatly stacked guns covered in grey foam blankets.

A spray of bullets hit the back windshield, leaving a spiderweb of cracks. None of the bullets penetrated through the window.

I ducked, reflex. Harry called out to me and I quickly apologized. He reminded me to keep low as he ducked back in and slammed in a magazine in his gun.

"Niall, where are them guns?" Harry yelled.

Niall responded by throwing a shotgun at Harry, who barely caught it with both hands. Harry shot him a glare then stuck his arms back outside.

"Let me help," I called to Niall.

"No way, princess. Wouldn't want you hurt," Harry responded before Niall could part his lips.


Harry gave me a look, raising his eyebrows, and I snapped my jaw shut.

"Evelyn," Ashton yelled from the front seat, "take the wheel!"

"No. Way!" Harry yelled, simultaneously firing at each word.

"You're gonna fuck up without me." Ashton lunged in the back seat. I gasped as the car took a sharp turn to the right, slowing. Niall and Harry didn't react in anyway, as if it was natural for the driver to let go of the wheel.

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