Chapter Seventeen

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"What is she doing here?" Harry boomed, dabbing a finger in Evelyn's direction as he glared at Louis, keeping his face inches apart. "Why the fuck did you bring her here? Are you insane?!"

"We were looking for you." Louis stated calmly, keeping his arms by his sides and his gaze on the raging, low-tempered boy. "She was to find out anyway." he shrugged like it was no big deal.

"You keep telling yourself that shit, Louis!" Harry snapped back, "She had enough drama in her life, she doesn't need Gemma in all of this, too!"

"Excuse me?" Evelyn hissed out of the blue, surprising everyone in the room. She stalked a step towards her mate, her heart beating faster with every boost of self-esteem. This was her time to show anger. "You're the one who kidnapped me! You don't have the right to blame Louis on this!"

Harry's eyebrows knitted together, his mouth open and chest rising and falling. "Oh, don't bring this up." he moaned, covering his face with his hands. But he startled the young girl by snapping his head towards her.

Harry took one stride towards her so he was right in front of her tight face. "If you shout for help," he murmured in a cold, deadly voice, "tell anyone who I am, try to flee or try anything funny, I will kill you. Don't waste this gift."

Evelyn scoffed. "There's no point in running, Harry, you're just gonna catch me anyway."

"That's right!" Harry yelled as Louis tried to tug him away. "Though your voice seemed to contain sarcasm, my sweet heart," Harry said, his own filled with sarcasm and bitterness, "so I shall warn you now that I wasn't lying to you. I don't go around unarmed when people are fucking looking for me." he hissed so nobody will hear. "I could be carrying a bloody knife, and you wouldn't know it. So don't let anything escape that pretty little mouth of yours if you think it would get your heart to stop beating. Got it?"

"Now that we got that cleared up, may I ask you as politely as I can, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?" Harry breathed, crossing his arms over his chest--his question directed to the other male in the room. "What makes you think I would have ever told Evelyn about Gemma?"

Louis smiled humorlessly. "I think it would be fair for her to know."

Louis stepped aside to reveal the poor girl lying on the bed, helplessly. Evelyn's face fell as she stared down at the body, barely moving. She took a step back. "Wh-what is..."

"This is Gemma. Harry's sister." Louis explained. Eleanor stayed quiet the whole time, keeping out of the arguments in case she made something worse. She saw how worried her friend's expression had gotten--sad and sorrowful.

"Louis." Harry warned, unable to move from his spot.

"She's been in a coma for two years. You wanna know why?"

"Louis, stop." Harry pleaded, but made no move to keep trying.

"Because Harry is...Harry." Louis shrugged, ignoring Evelyn's confused face. "If he never killed her damn boyfriend, he wouldn't be a fucking criminal." he spat, disgusted. "The guy you're with now wouldn't be killing families just for money, police for freedom, pedestrians for hideouts.

"If Harry never killed Toby, he wouldn't be like this right now."

"Don't talk about that bastard!" Harry shrieked, a vein popping out of his tanned neck. "He fucking deserved this! The only thing I regret about his death is for Gemma to end up like this!" He pointed at his pale sister and glowered at his friend.

Louis ignored him. "Harry joined out thug group, whom ended up scattered across the country because some were caught and needed to get as far as possible so they don't find the 'nest'. He sold illegal stuff and did anything to save save his sister."

"As you can see, Evelyn, Harry isn't the most pliable and nice person on the planet--he'd be the last person I call nice--but he had feelings too." Louis finished, earning a glare from Harry.

"I don't need anyone to pity me," Harry told Evelyn, "I don't need your sorry. Yeah, I basically lost the only person I care about but that doesn't change me."

"No." Louis agreed. "No, it doesn't change you. It did."

The silence engulfed the whole room, quiet enough for the sound of the patients' heartbeats to be heard from Gemma's room.

"It's my fault." Harry whispered. "I made one mistake." He lifted his head to reveal his glassy eyes, poking under his curly, sweaty hair. Evelyn almost gasped because she realized Harry's eyes were watery. Is he gonna cry? she thought.

"And I won't make it again."


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