Chapter 8

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Jackie's POV

We just got back from the mall and lunch. Me and Myles are currently at my house and I'm putting away my new vans I got in my closet.

Myles is downstairs choosing movies on Netflix for us to watch before we invite over the guys and Dom for movie night and sleepover.

It's currently 5:30 and I'm craving chipotle... Idk why? But chipotle is my life😏

Finally, I finished putting my shoes away and now I can head downstairs with Myles.

I've been thinking a lot the last few days... About me and Myles. I've had a great time with him and I kinda wanna make him mine. But he may not feel the same. It could ruin our friendship that we just built back up. He has definitely earned my trust now.

"Hey Jackie, can we watch a scary movie? Or all kinds of them?" Myles asked as I stepped off the last step.

I smiled, he knows I get jumping during scary movies, he's always hiding me behind him and he loves it.

"Of course, but you're gonna set with me, you know how i get"

He nodded and I ran over to pop all kinds of popcorn and get some more snacks ready.

I grabbed some candy, including twizlers, skittles, sour patch kids, jelly beans and whoppers.

The perfect movie candy, I then poured some drinks for everyone in my cute little movie cups and put the popcorn in my giant popcorn movie bowl I bought a while back, just for this very reason.

We use to have sleepovers every weekend when autumn was home and the boys weren't extremely famous and always busy.

I walked in with the pop corn and some of the candies.

"Myles, will you go get the drinks and other candies?" I asked.

He said of course and made his way to the kitchen for the things and brought them straight in here.

I texted Kalin

Me: Hey K, is the boys still over there?

From Ksmoov: Jake, Conner, Cam and Dom?

Me: well duh!

From Ksmoov: Yesss they are lol

Me: well all you guys get your butts over here, me and Myles want a sleepover and movie night like old times.

From Ksmoov: yay! Be right over, have the door unlocked!

Me: just walk on in

From Ksmoov: will do! Bye!

Me: bye K!

"Kalin is on his way over with the boys and Dom" I said.

"Jax's when they get here can we ditch them for a bit & get some chipotle?"

I smiled up at Myles, he read my mind.

"You read my mind" I giggled.

We wait for a few minutes and then they all walked in and piled around the room on my furniture.

I greeted them all with a hug and so did Myles. Then Dom pulled me to the side to talk,

"Hey girl, how you been?"

"Ive been great actually" I said turning around and smiled at Myles who was laughing with the boys.

"So... You and JakeyP bro?"

"What about us?"

"Are you two together, I know how close you guys are"

I thought about it, no we aren't together but I wouldn't mind it if we was. I would Actually really enjoy it.

"Actually, no but over the last few weeks with him, I've come to really trust him again and my feelings for him are even stronger then before he left me."

Dom smiled at me and a twinkle came upon her eye.

"Go get him" she winked.

I smirked and said I planned on it and then turned on my heels back to the boys.

Myles POV

"Hey Myles, so you and Jackie?" Kalin smirked at me.

"What about us?"

"You two together yet?"

Ya know, we aren't together but my feelings for her grow stronger each day. I wouldn't mind calling her mine at all.

"No man, but I really like her, love her even" I admitted.

Kalin smiled at me, "man, you gotta go get her" he winked.

"I plan on it bruh" I smiled.

I looked up and sene Jackie walking back over to us and a smile appeared on my face.

Chipotle. I wanna go like right now. I'm craving it and so is she apparently.

"Wanna go get some chipotle beautiful?" I asked.

She gave me the well duh face and ran for her keys.

"We'll be back in a bit, we are gonna go grab some chipotle together before the movie night" I said.

"Make yourselves at home" Jackie added in.

I hate that I love you (Myles Parrish love story)Where stories live. Discover now