Chapter 9

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Myles POV

It's been 2 weeks now since the sleepover, me and Jackie spend everyday all day together.

I couldn't ask for life to be any better at this moment in life.

I haven't asked Jackie to be my girlfriend yet, I plan to today. I'm taking her out to Olive Garden to eat then I'm gonna pop the question.

I even bought her a new promise ring, it's the crown shaped ring from Pandora.

Right now im getting ready for our date,

I'm wearing my black skinny jeans, a plain black Tshirt and a red and black button up flannel over it with a black tie and my old skool vans.

I went to the mirror and fixed my poof so that it was perfect then a snapped a quick picture to post to Twitter.

"Pic.twitter/:ah757gsj Ready for my date with the beautiful @UrGirlJackie❤️"

My phone blew up with notifications from my tweet, I just smiled to myself and slid my phone in my pockets.

Let's go pick up my baby.

Jackie's POV

I just finished applying my makeup.

I looked in the mirror and was completely satisfied, I wore a black dress that went about mid thigh and was tight and fit to my curves. It was strapless and I had on black pumps with it.

My hair was lightly curled at the bottom into loose curls and I had winging eyeliner on too.

I snapped a picture to reply to Myles tweet and I posted it saying, "pic.twitter/: agt6hg86g  finally ready to my date with the handsome @YourBoyMyles🌹"

I smiled as my phone lit up and went crazy.

I heard a faint knock on my door so I made my way downstairs and opened the door revealing the gorgeous Myles Blake Parrish.

"Good evening miss, are you ready for our date?" Myles said acting like a gentleman and holding arm out for me to take.

"Why yes I am good sir" I said taking his arm in mine and we went towards his Snow White Range Rover.

He opened the door for me and gestured his hand for me to set like I was a princess.

"Why thank you" I curtsied and sat down in the seat, soon he closed the door.

He walked around the front of his range and smirked at me through the front glass, soon taking a seat in the drivers seat and grabbing my hand with his right hand and steering with his left.

He turned on music lightly and would squeeze my hand every now and then.

I would peak over at him every so often and he would side smile at me and squeeze my hand as if he knew what I was thinking.

He looked absolutely stunning tonight and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him.

He would glance at me too every so often  and he would hold back a smile and his eyes just twinkled in the evening light that was soon ending.

About 30 minutes of a quiet peaceful drive we arrived at olive garden and walked in hand in hand.

"Name please?" The lady at the front said.

"Parrish" Myles spoke up.

"Ah Mr Myles blake, right this way sir and madam"

We followed behind her and she took us to the main back to a table off to Itself.

The table had a singly candle and a single rose laying on it.

Myles pulls my chair out for me and I set down.

He picks up the rose from the table and gets down on one knee next to me and hands me the rose, "one rose, for the only ONE I see."

I felt my eyes water and I took the rose in my hands and he grabbed my other hand and kissed.

He stood up and made his way to his seat and sat down.

The waiter soon arrived with our food and dessert.

We are quietly and peacefully just enjoying eachother presence.

Soon after we finished Myles cleared his throat and looked at me.

I watched at he pulled a small Pandora box out of his pocket and he opened it and looked at me.

My eyes got hit and watery

"Jackie, I know I've screwed up in the past and broke some promises I said I would keep, but that's the old me and the is the new me. When I'm with you the whole world feels complete, so with this ring, I here by promise from this day forward to always stay in your life and be there forever. Jackie, will you accept my promise.. & be my girlfriend?" Myles says and his eye twinkled in the dim light of the candle.

I covered my mouth and a tear slipped my eye.

I shook my head yes and he slipped the ring on my right hand ring finger.

We both stood up and he hugged me and spun me around a few times.

We pulled back and I noticed he had a tear roll down his cheek.

I lightly smiled at him and wiped his tear away and looked him in the eyes and kissed him passionately.

"I love you" he spoke up.

My heart stopped.

"I love you too" I said truthfully.


Myles POV

I just dropped Jackie off at home and I walked back over to my house to see Kalin on the couch eating popcorn and playing NBA 2k15.

He paused the game and looked up at me and grinned.

"How'd it go today bro?" He had a bit of hope in his eyes.

I pretended to be sad and I looked down not speaking.

"Ah man, I'm sorry" he said and stood up to hug me.

I stopped him, "she said yes bro and accepted my promise"

His eyes lit up like a kid and he jumped up and down and we bro hugged, "so it's official?" He said.

"It's official"

I hate that I love you (Myles Parrish love story)Where stories live. Discover now