Chapter 7

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I stood there for a moment, stunned. I watched him jog away, only turning back once to smirk at me. That's when I came back to reality. I was furious. Not just at him, but at myself.

Why did I let him do that! Why did I even let him get close enough to me to let him have the chance?? ... Why am I not concerned about it?...
Then I look up and see the bus coming down the street and run through the trees, catching up with Stephen, who hands me my bag. Thank god for my little brother, I think to myself. Stephen may be a pain, but he is the only one who understands.

We make it to the bus stop, just as the bus gets there. I avoid Blake as much as possible, and wait for him to get on before I approach the steps. I get on and nearly sigh in relief. Kayeden is on the bus today, I plop into the seat next to her and the bus starts moving.

"You okay?" I hear her ask. I look over and see a worried expression on her face.

"...Yeah, I'm alright, just... Tired."
I say, carefully thinking about my words and if I should tell her about Blake.

I'm jolted out of my thoughts when I feel her lean over and whisper, "he's staring at you..."

I look at her and instantly realize who she is talking about... He is in the third seat on the left side of the bus. And sure enough, when I glance his direction, he is leaning against the window of the bus, his body turned to face the right side, ...and he is staring directly at me.

I instantly break eye contact and turn back to Kayeden. "What happened between you two?" She asks, with a smirk on her face.

"Nothing," I mumble. Trying to get her off my case.

It doesn't work.

"Don't give me that crap, I'm your best friend! I know you better than anyone here!" I cringe, because I still haven't told her everything.

She takes my flinch as "you're whisper-screaming directly in my ear" so she takes a second to calm down.
Then she starts again, calmer this time, "Em, you know I will be there for you no matter what, right? That means I have a right to know what is happening between you and a boy! I mean, no offense, but that doesn't happen very often!"

"Owch," I glare at her, even though, we both know it to be true. "Okay fine," Crap, I caved. "I was out wandering last night because I couldn't sleep... And he happened to be doing the same thing.." I stop and glare at her again, because she is making immature kissy-faces at me.

"Okay! Okay.. I'll stop." She sighs, defeated.

Just then the bus stops to let of the elementary school kids. I wave to Stephen before telling Kayeden the rest of my story, leaving out the part where I had powers and Blake was there to warn and protect me. I told her about how he flirted with me, and I reluctantly told her about how he kissed me. She nearly squealed in delight, and it took all I had in me not to slap her.

I glanced at Blake once I finished and seen him asleep against the window. I chuckled, that's what you get when you stay up late to freak out people...

I look back to my best friend and notice her smirking. "What?!" I say, willing my face not to flare with color.

She doesn't, say anything, just stares at me, still smiling, until the bus stops at our school and we get off, walking to our hangout.

Hey guys! Here's a.. Somewhat longer chapter! 😀
Thank you to all of you who take the time to read this story!
Luv ya!

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