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short but definitely sweet - i'm not claiming responsibility for any cavities!

if you see any dumb mistakes please point them out to me!


Dan was the perfect student. Okay, not really, but compared to the next guy, he was literally a teacher's pet. Generally, he never skipped class, and because of that, teachers liked him. A couple of them didn't, and that's where he got most of his detentions.
Dan also didn't dress the way most boys would. He wore pastel colours, and at the weekend he chalked his hair purple (lavender~ish) and put his piercings in. However, there was a school uniform to uphold, and because the majority of the teachers liked him, he wore his studded bracelets and occasionally his piercings.
You can see why he got so many detentions.

Phil was a whole other story. He didn't care how many detentions he got - it wasn't like he'd go to them anyway. He had dyed black hair that looked really, really, soft for some reason, and baby blue eyes that saw through your soul. Yeah, that kind of blue.
Phil also wore black most of the time. He had a black leather jacket over his stitched-up blazer in the winter, and during summer he would completely lose the blazer altogether.
Teachers..... Sort of hated him. (Apart from his English teacher. She was really nice.) They always wanted him to answer questions that not even the shy nerd in the corner could answer, set important projects on the days he was off sick (his mum thought he went to school like every other teenager, and when he was actually sick she would let him stay off) and the dinner ladies always gave him the burnt pizza bread.
The best thing about it was that Phil did not care. He walked into school with his head held high and although he didn't have as many friends as others, people knew him as a great person who was like a cinnamon roll of sunshine.

So it was the talk of the school when it got out that Dan and Phil started dating.

Legend had it that Dan and Phil were neighbours and knew each other since infancy. The two were best friends from the age of five, but drifted apart at around twelve, when Phil dyed his hair and when Dan started wearing those pink converse. His parents got him those after he asked them really nicely and did the dishes for a week. They had already agreed before he did the chores (nice parents, they were) but Dan wanted to show them just how serious he was about it.

But they became best friends again, and soon enough, they were the school's OTP.

They had a ship name. Phan.
A fan base. The Phandom.
And perhaps the strangest of all of them, people wrote fanfictions and drew fan art.

Teenage girls, right?*

Instagram feeds were overloaded with cute, square pictures of the couple on dates. Coffee shops, parks, art galleries - they'd go there if Dan deemed it 'tumblr' enough to visit.

Phil was like a lovesick puppy, following him around with drool hanging out of his mouth.

Dan was like a lovesick kitten, not openly displaying love but in private, behind closed doors, Phil was treated like a prince.

Because Phil deserved to be.

A few years later, at their wedding, the cake had a bubblegum pink and deep black wedding cake. It wasn't traditional, but come on. It was Dan and Phil.

Decades later, when they were old and grey, their love was still strong.

Even after their deaths, they became angels of love.

Reverted back to their young selves, they could be together, forever.


*i am referring mainly to myself here, and not to all teenage girls.
song of the chapter is It's Time by Imagine Dragons.

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