The Noise

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just a silly prompt i found off Tumblr!
i also haven't proof read this! i wanted to update. i have school in a few hours and i haven't slept yet *sweatdrops*

if you see any dumb mistakes please point them out to me!


It was a typical Saturday night, and Dan and Phil were sitting in their sofa creases. Phil was watching Buffy while drinking a cup of his beloved coffee, while Dan was scrolling through his Tumblr, occasionally showing Phil a funny edit or picture.

Times like these were usually spent this way - with Dan ignoring reality until silly o'clock, followed by Phil giving up on staying up with him and retiring to bed. But that night, Phil had an idea. To change how their Saturdays were spent.

You see, Daniel Howell had a competitive side, believe it or not. And if he was given a challenge, he would do it. Unless it had some sort of physical activity, because that was just too much for him to handle.

"Dan?" Phil spoke up, breaking their comfortable silence.

"I have a challenge for you." He sang with a playful hint in his voice.

Dan visibly perked up, shutting his laptop, placing it (carefully) beside him, and looking up at Phil.

"What is it?"

"I bet you can't beat me at Scrabble."

The next half hour was spent preparing the game, as this was a serious situation. Dan set up the board, because Phil was 'too clumsy and you'll literally break the game' and Phil made more coffee (decaf coffee, he wasn't making that mistake again). Cushions were arranged on the floor and lights were dimmed to avoid their eyes becoming sore.

Just before they were going to start, Dan set a timer on his phone for one hour so that 'we won't be here until 2022.'

They picked their letters, and the game began. Dan started the timer and cracked his knuckles, Phil inwardly wincing at memories of Tyler cracking weird bones in his hand.

••Time skip brought to you by

Half an hour had gone by, quickly too. Phil was winning, as expected, but Dan was catching up to him. Having a degree in English language and linguistics really helped with this kind of game. Phil stretched and chuckled, grinning at Dan's annoyed expression.

"Cheater! I'll beat you eventually!" Dan cried, throwing his hands up in frustration and firing a half serious glare at his older boyfriend.

Phil only laughed.
"Oh, okay. I'd like to see you-"

He was cut off by the lights suddenly flickering and going out, plunging the pair into pitch blackness. The brunette leaped across their coffee table almost instantaneously and fell into Phil's arms, whimpering quietly. He was shaking so hard Phil could feel it. The older boy was certain that Dan was paler than most ghosts would be in that moment. Maybe there were ghosts in their flat...

Watching horror movies at a young age (like Dan and Phil did) isn't a very good idea, and to make the situation even worse, the couple had re-watched Paranormal Activity the night before. Phil realised it had been a good twenty seconds of silence, and he probably needed to comfort his boyfriend.

"Hey, it will be okay. Everything is-"

Phil was again interrupted by a loud, anguished scream ringing through the London apartment. Dan shrieked once more, as if he was answering, as yet another wave of trembling washed over him. Phil felt around the dark room for his precious phone (luckily it was on 87%) and switched on the torch.

As expected, when the torch was aimed at him, Dan looked like he had just been thrown into the Hunger Games.

"Phil? What w-as that noise?" It was obvious how scared Dan was and his voice cracked halfway through his sentence. He might have even been blinking back tears, and that fact alone was enough to break Phil's heart. A teeny-weeny little voice in the back of Phil's mind told him how cute it was for Dan to be so frightened over something rather small, but he pushed it away, disgusted at his strange way his brain was acting.

"I don't know, bear. But we need to find out what it was." Phil replied with as much confidence and authority as he could manage.

He was scared too (although not nearly as much as Dan) but he had to be strong for his boyfriend's sake. Two idiots hanging onto each other wouldn't be a challenging opponent to... let's say... A serial killer.

Phil snapped back into reality and slowly peeled Dan off of him, laying him on the sofa using the dim light his phone provided. Of course, Phil being Phil, he tripped on the way there, sending himself and Dan hurtling toward the ground. He managed to catch himself, but it seemed the small accident snapped Dan back into reality too as he stopped trembling with fear. Instead, he starting to tremble with laughter.

He was laughing so hard that Dan had to stuff his hand in his mouth in an attempt to stifle the sounds, and it took a good few minutes for him to calm down.

Phil sighed in exasperation - first he had to deal with a whimpering mess and now he had to deal with a ball of laughter! He didn't really mind it though, as Dan's laughter was his favourite sound. After his pained cries, it made the muffled giggles and snorts all the more adorable.

"You okay now?" Phil enquired in a half stern tone.

It took Dan a few more seconds to calm down completely and respond to his boyfriend.

"Yeah." He breathed out. "But we need to get some sort of weapon to arm ourselves."

Phil nodded his head before realising Dan couldn't see him, so he opted for humming in agreement instead.

Holding out a hand, Phil hauled up his boyfriend (oh, how he loved to call Dan that) and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. They were in complete darkness, but Phil was almost certain Dan was blushing.

Dan was armed with a frying pan, defending his choice by saying 'it worked in Tangled, so why won't it work now?'. Phil decided to go with something slightly more practical and picked up a nearby broom.

They tiptoed to where the noise originated from, which was their office, and took a deep breath.

Slamming open the door Dan and Phil rushed in, pointing their weapons at any intruder.

But there was nothing.

Stumbling backwards, Dan walked into the small box on the wall which controlled their electrics and reset the fuse box ((is this how electrics work? Idek)). This made all of the lights come back on, and Dan sighed in relief, chuckling when he glanced back to see what he had walked into.

Phil looked out of their open window and burst into fits of giggles.

A drunk, no, wait, scrap that, absolutely smashed man had just begun badly singing Ariana Grande in a northern accent. His voice matched the scream from earlier, too.

Dan's relieved laughter joined Phil's, as they saw another man drag the first guy away.

Shutting the window, Phil sighed yet again.

"So we armed ourselves and cried over a drunk man and a power cut?"

This time, it took hours for them to stop their hysteria. Okay maybe not, but the neighbours probably thought they were insane or something.

(if you ask me, I think their laughter trumped the weird sex noises from the man who lived under them...)


le song of le chapter is...
Dope by BTS.

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