The Meeting Pt. 2

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Its the second day of school at least I won't get lost lol. Hey mom hey honey look i have something your father and need to tell you. Honey you were adopted we have all the information here im so sorry we didn't tell you before. Stunned is all i can say shocked that my family is not really my family nothing is what i hear no words no cries nothing but the blood rushing through my head and frantic beating of my heart in my ears all i can muster up to say is what. The day before my fifteenth birthday everything changed but little did i know that this is nothing at least from what my future has planned. Though i am looking for them my real family i will always love the ones who raised me who protected me and who taught me so many things. Today i decided on a white pencil skirt and frill peach top with a pair of nude flats. I would go with my brother but since he is a senior he has a late start today so he gets to sleep in especially since he got home so late last night i know he needs his rest after i finished my hair and makeup i went downstairs for breakfast i noticed my mom has been crying and my father looks so sad. Whats wrong mom and dad? Oh honey were fine its just your growing so fast and now your going to be looking for your biological family its just mom its alright you are always going to be my real family you and dad are the ones whou taught me how to be the person I am  today and i know i have a lot more learning to do i love you guys so much and i cant wait for tomorrow i know you mom your gonna go all out this isn't a crying matter mommy I'm home i will always be home. I have to go now i dont want to be late for class i love you guys muah have a good day oh i'll also be home around 9 dont wait up for me love you.
I got to school at 7:15 which means im fifteen minutes early at least im not late i was heading towards my locker when i heard my name being called when i turned i noticed it was Isidora she's not a senior yet so we start at the same time. Hey Isidora how are you today I'm fine thanks listen i wanted to talk to you today maybe after school oh well umm i would like to but i have plans already maybe next time. Listen annaiese its super important please we'll see okay well heres my address just incase.
8866 Sowelei Rd. Okay thanks. I looked to the address and to my files i noticed a sticky note on the front with the same address as the one Isidora gave me what the heck wait a minute Isidora Le Croux the same name as the files have could it be i mean its not a coincidence is it?
School went by fast maybe for the fact that i didn't really pay attention to anything the teachers said any ways I'm heading to the parking lot now my beautiful burgundy corvette is waiting for me i got into my car and broke down crying the shock from my mom telling me i was adopted has finally gone away now it's just realization that she what she said is true the proof is on my passenger seat the files they made for me. After sitting for ten minutes just crying my eyes out i decided to suck it up and let the curiosity get to the better of me here goes nothing......
After driving an hour and a half i came to a gate that said Le Croux Covent. Great just what i need creepy weirdos who think they're witches lovely just lovely. I was just avout to back away when the gate opened hmm should i or shouldn't I ahhh frick it might as well.
I kept driving forwards slowly taking in the beauty of the driveway the forest on either side is mesmerizing ir makes me feel at peace and if as if something is stirring inside me or maybe its just the fact i somewhat feel like i belong here. The driveway is ending i see a fountain in the middle of a drive way making me drive in a half circle til i stop and am standing in front of a coyple of doors they are huge and looks to be sometype of beautiful dark red doors perhaps a cherry wood idk its not really my cup of tea after i finished eye raping the door i decide to knock on them before i could even touch the doors they opened with the files in hand i slowly enter the doorway to my amazement the foyer is just as beautiful if not more than it was out side the doors a beautiful black marble floor as shiny as a lake at night with the moons reflection amidst the top of the water an adjoined stair case and a beautiful crystal chandelier as i was staring in amazement at my surroundings i didn't realize someone staring at me but once i did and turned to face the person i realized it was Isidora again it was as if i were staring in a mirror. Annaiese i thought you said you couldn't come, uhh yeah i did but when i saw the address you gave me i noticed it was the same as the address on my file. Your file what are you talking about? Well umm you see this morning my mother had approached me and told me i was adopted she gave me this file it has everything that my parents could find on my biological family at first when you handed me your address i had thought it was coincidence but earlier my mom had told me that my father was in a coma or was umm they believe that he has passed on just like my mother our mother I'm sorry our mother Annaiese  I'm your sister its what i wanted to talk about.

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