Time Is Slow When You're Indoors.

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Chapter 3
Waking up, on top of something that wasn't my bed. It was bumpy and hard. I looked down a little to see that I was on top of the one and only Cristiano.He looked a little cute I supposed when he was knocked out. He's tattoo that I just notice was wrapping his muscles that was on his left arm. I could hear him softly snore,under me. He barely looked like he was breathing so I tried my best to move slowly. But I couldn't he grabbed my hand,looking at me with wide eyes as I did the same.
"Sorry.I didn't mean to scare you. i just have relaxes."But he still doesn't let go off my hand. I take a look at his hand that was on my hand. He slowly releases it. It was a bit awkward for minute or two.
"So you want breakfast, because I make the best chocolate chip pancakes."I don't mean to brag but EVERYONE loves my pancakes.
"I've never had a chocolate chip pancake."He whispers in embarrassment. I stare at him with my blueish/greenish eyes.
"Your lying."Am on my knee now,my feet or under my butt and am looking at him like he has four heads.
"Am not lying."He puts his hands up in surrender and laughs,
"Fine,but you'll want more pancakes after this one." I pull him to the kitchen. Looking at the window the rain was still pounding, the wind was speaking "Wuw,Oooo". I started taking the materials out of the cabinets and the frigde. But the flour was way to high up. I kept on tippy toeing but Cris realized my struggle and with one reach he pulled it down.
"Thanks."Taking the flour away from his hands,I started to make pancakes.
"Can I help?"He spoke nearly scaring the life out of me. Before I could answer the question my phone started to ring.
"Just keep on turning it!"I yelled before running pff the find my phone. Looking in the maze that was in my bag,I finally found it.
"Is this Miss.Gońa."
"Yep that's me, who is this?"
"Oh sorry for my manner this is Ms.Lockwood from Vouge Magazine, I sended you something for the new magazine were working on, I execpt everyrthing done by the end of the day."She orders.
"Yes Ms.LockWood." And she hangs up. I sigh while returning to kitchen. I almost yell when I see the flour all over the walls,the batter was all over the floor and counters.
"WTF Happen!" I roar,making him jump. He's shirt was cover in batter and he's hair was covered in flour so much that I taught it was normally white.
"I wanted to add a little more flour, but I was having a bit trouble opening it so it ripped open and I triped while having the batter in my hands.
"Wow."Was all I said.
"Your cleaning this." I throw some flour at him.
"Did you just throw flour at me?"He asks, with his mischievous smile.
"Yes."I take a few steps back from him but,mumbled shit under my breath when my back hits the wall.
"Oh,that was a big mistake."He grabbs a bowl that was covered in batter. My eyes widen,in my end am screaming No,No,No! But he didn't stop he poured the batter on me, the chunky dropped made a plopping nosie as it fell on my head. I was just there shocked with my mouth open and wide eyes.
"You fucking dick!"I grabbed some batter and slam it on his head. Eggs were my next items.
"This is pay back."I heard the cracking on his head and the gasping that from his mouth.
"Oh hell no."Seconds later am over his shoulder and my face was covered my batter and eggs that were on his back.
"Put.Me.Down.NOW!"I yell so hard that I think the other side of Manhattan heard me. He laughed as he puts me down.
"Your the worse of the worse look at my face." I point at my face.
"You still look the same. Beautiful."He smiles. If it weren't for the flour and the eggs on my face he would be able to see my red cheeks.
"Umm, thank you."I whisper.
"C'mon lets take that flour out of your hair."I laugh. I walk to the bathroom, make him sit right next to the bath tub,while am on my knees while taking out the flour out. I start massaging his hair as the flour comes out,and he's enjoying I can tell by he's soft moans. Am giggling as he keeps on reacting.
"Done."I dry my hands and pass him the towel. Looking at him now he's shirt is half way empty. I give him a hint that his shirt is wet and simply takes it off like if it's nothing.
"Here,give it to me am gonna add it to the dirty clothes.
"Your turn."I laugh at him.
"Fine."I sit by the bath tub,lean my head back and let him do the magic. The water pours down my head an dhe runs his hands threw my long hair.
"You have nice hair Alex."He whispers as he pours some shampoo in my hair.
"Thank you."I try not to smile so the shampoo doesn't go in my mouth.
"Done."He mimcked my voice,when I said 'Done'. I quickly wrap my towel around my head and walk to my room and Cristiano follows.
"I have to do something for work, but you can start cleaning and I will join when I finish.I promise not to be long." I say and nodds. I start up my laptop, and do the work Ms.LockWood order me to do.
I eventually finished it by the middle of the day so it was 5:00 when I entered the cleanist kitchen I've ever since and look at Cristiano.
"It was the leadt I could since you let me stay here." He shurgges his shoulders.
"Thank you."I didn't even know what happen but I ended up wrapped my arms around Cristiano, I didn't realize if it was me controling my body. I was kissing Cristiano.

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