Under these Sexy Masks

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Chapter 12
I was getting ready to leave when Katherine stopped me.
"Um Where do you think your going?"She asked I look at her stating the obvious.
"Going home."She scoffs.
"That asshole."She mumbles.
"Who?"I looked at her confused.
"CRISTIANO!"She said in a duh-voice. My mouth formed an 'o'.
"Why is he an asshole?"I put more papers in my bag and went to grab my coat.
"He seriously didn't tell you what he were doing tonight?"I shake my head slowly.
"That fuckface, I emailed him saying to invite you because there was an extra spot at the ball tonight."
"What ball are you talkig about?"
"It's a ball that one of my mom's friend throws every year, and this year it's a masquerade ball."She informs me.
"That sounds lovely."I smiled at her.
"Yeah I know."She stops for a moment and then smiles.
"Come to my apartment around 5 and wash your hair before you come."I look at the clock on the wall and it showed me that it was 4 in the afternoon.
"Kat is takes me like 15 minutes to get home and imagine how long it will take me to get to your apartment."I groan between my words.
"Then just go to my house."She leaves the office,probably going to hers and comes back a few minutes later with her coat and bag.
"Now lets go." As we were in the car a questioned popped into my head.
"When does this 'ball' start?"She turns to look at me, her eyes still on her phone. I shift in my seat and am still looking at he rwaiting for an answer.
"It starts around 8."I look at her if she has five heads.
"Then why are we getting ready so early?"I groan and the driver looks back alittle at me, but quickly looks away."
"Because sweetie women always take their time."She says in a duh-voice.
"Whatever."I mumble.
"Also we need to pick one perfect dress for you and moi."
"So does that mean we have to go shopping."I wine alittle, I never really liked going shopping especially for clothes I have to wear the same time, people are always rushung me.
"Nope, I texted one of my stylist to bring in a dozen of dresses for each of us. And there's two teams to make us look sexy for the ball." I gape at her. Dam she really goes out for a oarty.
"Don't worry this happens every even I go to, even if it's a birthday party."She laughs. 10 minutes we arrive at her apartment, she dragged me staright to her bathroom. Forced me to wash my hair and take a shower. I took my time in the shower. When I came out she was looking at the dresses on her bed, her eyebrows were telling me that this was a hard choice.
"Oh good your here."She sighed when she saw me and pulled me to the end of the end of the bed, so now I was standing in front of 4 dresses. One was red,their was one that it was two pieces it was gold and black, a big poofy one that was mint green, and then a dark blue but it looked for grandma's.
"Pick one.?"I thought the question was going to be easy but, chosing a dress for Katherine is hard. I was going to say the gold and the black but the red will turn heads and it's fits Katherine it's sexy and the color of romance.
"The red one."I heard her sigh, sigh of relief, but then she smiled at me with the dress in her hands. She looked cautiously at the dress but then gave me a kiss on my cheek with a hug.
"You really are a problem solver." She goes off into the Bathroom to changed of take a shower, either one. I notice their were a bunch of other dresses on the chair she had near her bed. I looked at all of them but one catches my attention. It was a bit pooch but not those dresses that at extremely pooch like the ones in the Cinderella movies. The dress was white with a lot of gold on the top. I held up the dress to my body and looked at my self in the mirror. The dress look pretty on me, unkept on looking at myself but then Katherine came out of the shower.
"Please wear that to the ball, you have to, I have the perfect mask it goes really well with the dress the lightly prob-
"Katherine don't worry am wearing the dress to the ball."I stopped her before she starts blabbering. She squeals, stopps when there a loud bang downstairs. We both rush downstairs knowing that were both in towels. There were a bunch of people with suitcases in hands. They all turn to us and Katherine starts to yell.
"Fabio, thank god your here."She throws herself on him, not care that her towle might come off.
"Katiee. How are you my darling."He gives her two pecks on the cheeks and holds her at arm-length.
"Oh sweetie, sorry am late my new employee got mixed up with the adress." He glares at the girl with the red hair that blushed in embrassment. He looks back at Katherine then at me.
"Oh, pardon my manners. Am Fabio Goss." My eyes widen.
"Wait the Fabio Goss?"I couldn't believe he gave me a hug and two kisses on the cheek.
"In the flesh."He said before doing a little spin.
"Oh my, I've heard you in interviews and stuff but I never even thought I could meet you in person."I was smilling at him, probably looking like a freak right now but I didn't care. I just meet Fabio Goss the famous makeup sytlist in New York.
"Well. Enough with the chit-tattin, we have to get you two sexy women ready." And before I knew it they were setting the vanity's up and table's up, I sat down. One of the assiant's who's name was Daniel, took my hair out of the towel, pulled it back with some boby pinns and started doing my makeup.

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